Chappy Eighteen

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I'm sorry, this chapter is probably going to end up short...but it'll match all the rest!

I don't understand HOW people write like 15 page chapters.... 0,o *mindblown*

So from now on, I'm not even going to both apologizing- they are all gunna be short- sorry (last time!)



I would have thought it had all been in my drunk imagination that night, except for the fact that Harry, who had actually started being nice, was now even meaner than before- he was a bullying machine these days! It was two nights before Saturday, where we'd sing Kids in America for week 5, and honestly, I was a little bit nervous. Practice hadn't gone over really well, since Harry had a sore throat- maybe it was the alcohol from the party, or all the throwing up he did the next day. Who knew- all that was clear was the dude was a light weight.

Now though, because it was so close to the show, Curly stopped talking altogether- Lemon faces' rules. It was weird not hearing Harry singing from all parts of the house every day- it was like someone turned off a fan that was usually always running in the background. Hmm. I didn't know if I liked it or not. I did know I was going to use it to my advantage if he kept up being an ass.

I walked into the kitchen, where everyone was eating and chatting. I saw Harry's dark curly hair over by the waffle maker, pulling out a beautifully made masterpiece I know I could never in a million years make. We used to have a waffle maker at home- 'used' being the operative word. I tried opening it the wrong way and broke it. On top of that, I had just tossed in an egg and flour and hoped for the best (managing the worst).

"Hey, Hazza- wanna make m-" I said in a sing song voice, hoping he wouldn't ignore me like usual. Nope, he didn't ignore me per se- he gave me a cold, blank look and brushed past me. Poo. Head. I whipped around and stuck my tongue out at the back of his perfect little head, making Niall and Anna laugh. 

"So you guys spend the night together and then the next few days you won't even look at him Hairbear?" Anna asked from beside the toaster, where she was making her own version of waffles- the frozen kind. I couldn't make those either- I stuck a knife in once and broke the toaster (not to mention getting a nasty shock). I sighed in despair, though I didn't know if it was because of my lame cooking skills or Anna's words.

Harry sat down at the table, pulling out his notepad he now kept with him to communicate, and he began scribbling like made.

"He says..." Matt called out, leaning over Harry's shoulder. "I was drunk. Exclamation mark. All caps- if you wanted specifics." Matt threw a grape in the air and caught it with his mouth- stupendous perfomance! I applauded him, and he bowed.

"Hey A-nn-aaa..." I sang out,  slinking over to her, putting on my best puppy eyes. "I'm reaaalllyy hungry. I don't know if you've noticed-"

"Oh, I think we've all noticed." Wagner muttered, shaking his head.

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