Chappy 15

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Finally back to one of the main characters again, just the last couple chapters I thought needed to be in the others POV...was it okay?

Oh, why am I even asking, no one comments anyways!! *grumbles*

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Harry and Louis gonna get closer…? Hmmm…



Yay! Yay! Yay!

I kept shouting it, and thinking it all morning once we got home from the grocery. We had been noticed by two cute girls, who were all excited. They wished us luck and said they were voting for us! Us! I knew we were still in the show, which means people obviously voted for us, but I just couldn't imagine anyone thinking we were that good, since there were so many amazing people on the show this year! I couldn't help but jump out of the cart I was in (I actually got Harry to agree to pushing me around- even though he said I was a fat lard cake and needed to lay off the chips) and give them both a hug- I loved hugs! Harry couldn't help but walk up to them and get their numbers, using his cheeky smile. Pffft, of course, the man whore.

I remembered last week, right after eliminations, when Harry had come home...I had been sad then...I think?...was that the emotion I had? I don't know, but I had hid it well enough for  Lili not to notice, and then I soon after forgot about it altogether. But the feeling I had had at the store was familliar to that one. And it sucked.

So I erased it from my thoughts like one of those cool magnetic-drawing-tablet-things, and continued jumping on the couch. We were still here, and we were known (kind of)!

Today would help even more with that! Apparently, Sugarscape or someone wants to do an interview with us, which will seriously help us out! Plus, that's massively fantastic- I've never had an interview. Well, obviously, I've never had a reason to be in one. What would little ol' me have to say?

"Tommo, grow up, stop jumping up and down, and no more sugar for the day- you clearly had your fill." Liam said, passing by the living room reading a news paper. Who reads a newspaper these days? Old people. That's who.

"But Lili!!" I whined, hopping off the couch and following him into the kitchen so I was barely a spoon away from him. "I've barely had any sugar today!! It's only... 10: 07 in the morning.!" I stated, looking over at the clock on the wall and taking my time reading it- seriously, someone should switch that to digital, deciphering the hands was tricky!

"HA!" Nial shouted from his perch on the counter across the room. When I shot him a look, he dipped his head down and took a swig of his coffee- ew. Tea was much better, especially with a little milk and a dab of honey...mmm, just the way my mum used to make it for me...

"Oi! Where's that cake I made last night for Paije's birthday? (A/N Actually her birthday!) That took me all night, I hope it's just put away somewhere...I could have sworn I put it in the microwave to keep safe..." Liam said, zooming around the kitchen anxiously. I felt hot, and I kept my eyes anywhere but where Liam was, which was hard, since he was everywhere, opening cupboards and even looking in the dishwasher. Niall chuckled, and Liam stopped.

He did that re-e-a-a-a-l-l-y slow swivel that you see in dramatic scenes in horror movies, just barely moving his feet, so that he was facing me. I looked down, too scared to make a run for it, knowing Liam would hunt me down anyways.

"...Louis..." He said, drawing out my name in a way I felt uncomfortable with. "You wouldn't happen to have seen my cake in your travels today, have you?" He asked me, obviously already knowing the answer. Why would he ask me then!!

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