Chappy 17

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She opened the door without knocking, carrying this big backpack over one shoulder. I had to admit, she was smoking hot- not that I was planning on seriously going after her. I looked over at Niall and laughed- his tongue was half out of his mouth and I think he was actuallly panting.

Annalise- the girl who had just walked in- was in every sense of the word beautiful. He hair was long and dark, her smile perfect, her eyes green (though not as green as Harry's), and she was petite. She looked over all five of us, not really noticing the other house guests who were peeking around the corner to see who this random girl was. People weren't usually allowed here so for her to get permission...

"Sup Styles!" She said when she saw her friend. Harry ran over to her, picking her up and twirling her around.

"Hey Anna banana!" He shouted happily. He hasn't been this happy since...when the hell has he ever been this happy? I didn't know it was possible to be honest. Once they were done punching each other and being all lovey dovey, they turned back to us.

"So...can I guess who everyone is?" She asked. Guess? Doesn't she- "Yeah, I don't watch the show if you're wondering. I would, but I can't sit in one spot for long, so I don't even have a T.V, and reading is over rated." She explained.

"Hey!! I think so too!" I beamed- finally, someone who understood. She laughed at my outburst.

"You must be Louis then. Harry says a lot about you, though I'm sure most of it isn't true." She said. I cocked my head to the side- Hazza talked about me? Oh God. "And...blonde hair, pretty short- you must be the leprachaun- Niall, right? You look like a Zayn, and you must be Liam- you don't look nearly as grumpy as Styles says you are!" She said. Liam grimaced over at Harry.

"That's because I'm not." Liam said, stepping forward and shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, Harry has mentioned you quiet a bit since we met him- childhood friends, his personal bully, all rolled into one he says."

"Pfft- more like other way around." She said.

Once all the introductions were done and Annalise's bag was put away in our room, we moved over to the den, where a good round of pillow fighting and nerf wars (we had more than a few extra guns for Anna to choose from) ensued- a wonderful afternoon all in all! I think I was really going to like this Anna girl.


In honour of our new guest (and because of her- she had brought the alcohol) we had a good party that night. I was busting a few moves with Anna- she was really an awesome character, and Niall was doing some seriously Irish jiggs over in the corner. Zayn and Rebecca were getting really close over by the T.V, and Liam was....either sleeping, or calling Dani before...drum roll please!...sleeping. What a party pooper- granted, he couldn't drink, and I don't think it was in his genetic ability to act "irresponsibly" (as he would call it- personally, I thought swinging off the chandalier in the dining room was hilarious).

"Stop the traffic- Let 'em through!" I shouted, pulling out all the stops.

"Pat the dog, twist the light bulb!" Anna said, dancing close right next to me- I laughed- that move was one of my favourites! I knew I liked her!

"Oi!" Harry shouted, sliding in between the two of us, his lips uncomfortably close to my own. "LAy off my best friend- she's not into you!" He shouted over the music.

"Says who?" Anna replied jokingly. She purred, slinging herself all over me. We both laughed as I played along- she was a laugh, and knew how to mess with Harry. We both looked over at his glowering face and I couldn't keep up the act anymore, bending over in laughter.

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