8: How To Almost Get Away With It

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"I've... ain't never done that before." You whispered, releasing your grip on him.

This sounded pleasant to Zuko, who was secretly a very possessive man. He would love to take your first kiss.

"I could show you how to do it..." he rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

You looked at him. And at the ground. And back at him. And at the door Iroh disappeared behind. And back at him. And down at your hands.

"I won't be no good at it..." You finally mumbled.

"Then," Zuko held your bare waist once again, this time firmly holding you in front of him, "We'll have to practice." He closed his eyes and leaned in. Just as you were about to close your eyes, the door opened.

"Zuko! YN! Are you both doing alright-- Oh! I am so sorry! Please, ignore this old man and continue. After all, I certainly wouldn't mind having such a wonderful girl join our fami--"

"UNCLE! PLEASE!" Zuko had released you and yelled at his uncle, all while red-faced. You were also embarrassed but this only showed by a light pink hue on your cheeks.

Iroh quickly retreated into the room from which he came, chuckling to himself about the shenanigans of the two young people in his care. He was serious however, about enjoying such a nice niece-in-law. He found you very pleasant. Refreshing even, from the uptight Fire Nation that he and his nephew had grown up in.

"Well shoot that was embar--" Warm lips pressed against yours, cutting off your sentence. At first, your lips were lifeless, but soon enough they became responsive to Zuko's talented mouth. He had had plenty of experience kissing, being the prince of the Fire Nation and having dated Mai briefly.

"I wouldn't let something like my uncle stop me. Even if he is embarrassing."

You giggled. Kissing was nice. Kissing Zuko was very nice. In fact, you wanted to do it again. And so you did.

For the next hour you locked lips with him. After all, Zuko had said fifteen minutes in that practice makes perfect. And you were certainly learning quicker than anticipated. You had no kissing style, which meant that you were learning how to kiss exactly as he liked it. And he really liked it.

He liked it so much in fact, that he wanted to go further. His mind was so cloudy that he could barely think straight, and he wanted to have you right then and there. But as he pulled away, you let out a small yawn.

"Tired?" He asked with a smirk on his face. He had tired you out. With his kissing skills. At least that's what he thought. In reality, it had simply been a long and hot day, so you were tired from that. Not that you were going to tell him that.

"Yeah. I reckon I might take a nap, while we wait. Could ya watch out for me?"

"Watch out for what? I could join you, instead." Zuko was trying to get himself in a closer position while his uncle was away. He certainly wouldn't be putting the moves on you under the watchful gaze of Iroh.

"I can't protect myself in ma sleep, ya know? I'd just feel better if I hadda big," You poked his chest and ran your finger down it, "strong, man watchin' me."

"F-F-Fine! I'll watch over you. Just don't take too long." He stuttered out. As you laid down, he dutifully watched over you. When he heard light snores, he looked over and saw you curled up in a ball. His expression softened and he took off one layer of his clothing. He laid it gently over you and returned to his duty.

But before long, you were both sound asleep.

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