49: Reunion Imminent

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Things were going badly. Very badly. Despite the fact that you all had the advantage in the beginning, it was looking like something wasn't going so well with Aang. And while you had stayed behind to watch over Appa and Momo as well as fight, it also meant that you had no idea what the hold up was.

Time ticked on. There was only a few minutes of total eclipse and you worried that your time was running out.

"Oh my..." You touched Hue's arm. "Daddy... I think it's best that we run."

"Wha--" You pointed up at the sky for him. "Huh? What in tarnation are those..."

"I dunno, but we best get out while the gettin's tough..." You began to back away as you felt a familiar heat begin to rain down on the city. "Appa, Momo, come back with me!"

"I think you're right!" Due yelled as everyone began to retreat.

The descent back to the ocean was too long. The ships were getting toasted and the air crackled with heat.

Then, the avatar appeared.

"Everyone go, the Fire Lord... He wasn't there! He wasn't there!" Sokka yelled out as all of them rushed towards the shore.

Their father was already there.

"Alright, all the kids, up with Appa. YN, can you fly them away?" He asked you seriously.

"Yeah, we'll get the crew and get goin'. Drop 'em off somewhere safe. But is you gonna be okay?" You asked him as everyone loaded onto the flying bison. You looked specifically at your family. "Daddy... Due... you gonna be alright, right?"

"Girl, we're water benders, we can hide at the bottom of the ocean if we gotta." Your brother assured you. "You better git! Mama wants ta see ya back soon. Ain't gonna happen if the Fire Lord's still a-breathin' am I right?"

"You're right! We'll get 'im. Next time." You nodded with determination. "Next time fa sure!"

And with that, you gave your brother and father quick hugs, slung your pack over your shoulder and hopped on Appa.

It wasn't long before Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph all ran to get on Appa. As he flew into the sky, you watched with sadness in your eyes as many of those left behind were captured by the Fire Nation soldiers. Some of them, with the help of your family, were able to get away. Unfortunately, Katara and Sokka's father was not one of them.

You saw the sadness in their eyes as the siblings held each other for support. But as you looked back, you noticed a long figure in the distance. As you squinted, you were able to make out just enough distinguishing features for the realization to hit you.

It's him. It's Zuko. He... Came to see me. Confusion washed over you. He's... he's in an air balloon and he's... following us? Is he coming for the avatar? Or is he coming... for me?

Your face paled as you realized just what was happening. Oh hell nah am I gonna point this out now.

But you had to admit one other thing as well. Your heart was pounding with the anticipation of a reunion.

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