72: Homeward Bound

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You stood up after a few minutes of quiet.

"I'm going home." You nodded. "Finally."

Iroh shook his head briefly and stood up as well.

"I... I did not expect that answer. Can I ask what for?" He was honestly confused. The most important battle was about to begin and you wanted to... leave? To go back to the isolated swamp and go away from all of your friends? 

"My mama knows more 'bout babies than me. And if I raise the baby in the swamp then ain't no one but you 'n me know 'bout it. Then they ain't gotta be Fire Lord and I ain't gotta choose." You brushed off your clothes. "Plus Swamplands needs new babies. Always."

"What about Zuko?! You don't think he needs you? Or that he might like to be a father to his child?" Iroh began getting worked up. He imagined himself as Zuko. It was cruel.

"You right. It ain't a good time. Maybe ya tell 'im ta come and see me after he wins? I ain't got a problem with him knowin'! But the baby gotta stay in the swamp fer it ta work." You scrunched your eyebrows. "Still 'is baby."

Iroh visibly relaxed. 

"Ah. I understand." He nodded as he walked over and adjusted your robe for you. "Don't think he won't take this poorly though. If you were scared of him leaving you for Mai, then this could push him to that."

"Why? I ain't leavin' 'im. I'm just goin' home." You gave him a look.

"He can properly marry Mai. The Fire Nation will expect him to have a wife and an heir. If you are going to hide his heir, then he will need to uphold his country's expectations. Just think about it. You will have some time." He hugged you tightly. "You do not know how happy I am to hear that you will have my great-niece or nephew for me. I shall visit as often as I can!"

"Where ya gonna be after the war?" You asked him.

"Ba-Sing-Se. I'll recapture that, and then recapture my tea shop! You be sure to bring your child there when you can. Drinking tea is a good habit to establish young, you know! And it will always be on the house." He smiled sweetly. "Now, you should go, before everyone wakes up."

"Should I say good-bye to 'im?" You asked.

"Write him a note. And I will do my best to explain without telling your special secret. Okay?" Iroh handed you a quill and paper.

"A'ight." You sat down again quickly and scrawled a note.


I have to go back to the Swamplands for my family. Do not forget about me! I am sorry to leave so abruptly, but they need me there. Promise to see me after you win and to tell me all your stories. I'll be sure to show you everything cool in the swamp when you come. And I'll introduce you to my family and my catgator. I will keep your necklace on to remember you all the time. 

I love you,


And with that, you kissed the paper, grabbed some supplies and your clothes and left for the swamp.

AN: Finished this in a marathon of writing! I know, an awful cliffhanger, but  I have been writing this story the longest amount of time of any other story on Wattpad. October 2017 to July 2018... So long! And so it's time to say farewell to this story now too! But don't worry, I have not one, but TWO sequels planned for it!

Click onto the next chapter to see a teaser for the first sequel!

Also, don't forget to check out all my other books! I have lots of other fanfictions! Hunter x Hunter, BTS, Adventure Time, Killing Stalking, Mystic Messenger, Devilman Crybaby, you name it!

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