65: Misrepresented

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"So far, this intermission is the best part of the play." Zuko lamented as you elbowed him in the ribs and laughed.

"Apparently, the playwright thinks I'm an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time!" Sokka complained.

"Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics." Suki quipped back.

"I know!" Sokka replied angrily, making you laugh.

"At least the Sokka actor kind of looks like you. That woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all!" Aang looked more angry than the rest of the group, throwing you off just a touch. Maybe it wasn't right to keep laughing at him; he seemed edgy. Edgier even than the guy who had just been edged to orgasm and then denied by an intermission. You laughed to yourself at this thought and earned an odd look from Zuko.

"I don't know, you are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys." Toph sent a jab towards Aang, to no one's surprise.

"Argh!" Aang groaned as he stood up.

"Relax, Aang. They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the time." Everyone turned to look at her. It was... kind of true. "What?"

"Yeah, that's not you at all." Aang remarked sarcastically.

"Listen friends, it's obvious that the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt, but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth." Toph recounted boldly as the intermission came to an end.

"Am I going to get a second act as well?" Zuko asked you quietly as he pulled you along behind him.

"Maybe if you's good." You giggled. "I wanna see me though!"

Zuko smiled. At least you were enjoying the play. That was important as well. And he was enjoying it too in his own way; even if it wasn't how the playwright intended for it to be enjoyed.

As soon as everyone was seated and the theater was dark again, your hand was back at work beneath his clothes; this time wasting no time or effort in helping the Fire Prince release. In fact, it only took until the end of the first act that Toph was in before you felt the warm, sticky fluids coursing over your fingertips and Zuko's warm breath panting against your neck.

As he kissed your face and wiped your hand on the inside of his pants, you looked up to see Actor Zuko swishing long, luxurious hair.

"Zuko, it's time we had a talk..." Actor Iroh began. "About your hair; it's gone too far!"

"Maybe it's best if we... split... up!" Actor Zuko yelled.

"Oh, I'm comin' up!" You squealed with pleasure, pointing to the stage.

"You stay here, swamp temptress!" Actor Zuko yelled to someone off stage. "I will make use of you later!"

"A'ight." A woman in a bikini, with massive proportions slunk out onto the stage, with an awful swamp accent. "Anythang for youuuu and yer title and riches Roy-yaal Prince."

You choked.

"What the fuck?" You gagged again.

"Looks right to me." Katara laughed gingerly.

"Hey." Zuko touched your chin, directing your fiery gaze to him. "It's just a play."

And with that, he connected his lips to yours, distracting you for just a few more seconds.

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