5. Trying To Save Auradon

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They tied Harry on a pile. He wasn't uncurious anymore so they had to talk on the other place.

"How are we going to Auradon?" Evie asked.

"Let's take the ship" Uma said with a proud smile.

* They fixed different things before Uma sailed the ship towards Auradon. They could see Auradon when the ship suddenly stopped. Everyone fell to the ground.

"What's happening?" Evie said

"The Barrier we can't go through it" Uma said.

"But what are we going to do now?!" Mal shouted.

"The only thing we can do is wait for Cilver to take down the barrier" Uma said.

*They waited a while before Cilver take down the barrier.

"It's time" Uma said dramatic.

* While Uma sailed towards Auradon Evie realized a problem.

"Who are we going to sneak in without anyone notice us?" Evie asked.

"I have an idea. Ben take over for a while could you?" Uma said and went under deck.

After a while she took out some pirates clothes.

"Take them on" Uma said.

After 10 minutes the were all done. They looked like real pirates which was good.

"Whatever you do don't let people look clear to your faces. They might suspect something"
Uma said while they all nodded understanding. "Ok get ready cause now we here"

* They went of the ship. Uma took Harry while the others were going to make up a plan.

"We need someone on the ship" Mal said. "Ben can you do that?"

Ben nodded.

"Carlos and Evie try to find the others and send them here where they are safe. The ship is the best place to hide" Mal said while Evie and Carlos nodded. "Jay, Uma and I are going to find Cilver..."

They all prepared before they went their own ways.

*Evie and Carlos ran only for a suddenly stop. Everything was destroyed. Everything was gone.

"Evie" Carlos said quietly.

"I know. But we have to find the others" Evie said.

*They continued running through the forest until the came to the forest end.
Suddenly they heard a scream.

"Come on" Carlos said and started to run towards the scream.

And there was a pirate dragging in Jane's hair.

"What's the code to the wand?!" He shouted.

"I don't know!" Jane cried.

Then the pirate dragged in Jane's hair even harder.  Evie was about to stop them when Carlos stopped Evie.

"Find the others. I am going to deal with this" Carlos said angry.

Evie nodded and ran away. Carlos went up to the pirate who didn't notice anything because he focused on Jane.

"Hey you!" Carlos shouted and when the pirate turned around Carlos hit him in the face so that he dropped Jane's hair and fell uncurious to the ground.

"Carlos!" Jane shouted and hugged him while she cried in his shoulder for a while.

"Come on let's go find the others"  Carlos said softly.

*After the looked in the pirate the started to search for Evie. After a while they found her trying to open a door.

"Evie!" Jane shouted when she saw her.

"Jane Carlos! Come quick!" Evie said. "I think I found them."

*They couldn't open the door so the started to search for some toils. After a while Evie spotted something shiny.

"Guy! A key!" Evie shouted.

They took the key and unlock the door. Out came Loney, Dough and Chad.

"Where are the others?" Evie asked herself the others helped her up.

*"We don't know" Dough said.

After they discussed the agreed to take them back to Ben before looking for the others. So they started to walk towards the ship again.

*After they sneaked through the forest the came to the ship where Ben was hiding.

"Ben!" Evie whispered. "We found some people!"

Ben came out of his hiding.

"Now go with Ben" Carlos said to the rest.

"This stinks" Chad muttered.

"Like your life if you don't go on the ship!" Evie snapped.

Chad let out a quiet scream before he went on the boat.

*While they hid in the ship Evie and Carlos went out to look for more people. After a while they found everyone so now they all are hiding in the ship. Mostly under deck.


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