8. The Museum

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Start: 21/12/17

Cilver and Harry continued talking until thay had to go. When they were gone Mal turned to the rest of the gang.

"I have a plan" She said. "We got to sneak into the museum and take the magic stuff to defeat Cilver. We need the mirror and the wand. We also need my spell-book and mum's magical wand. With those things we can defeat Cilver together"

"That's great if they didn't double the protectors who job is to protect the museum from us" Evie pointed out.

*"But we are the VK's Evie. We are sneaky, smart and fast. Together we can do it" Mal said.

*"Sure But how can we do it?" Carlos asked.

"We are going to need sleeping powder" Mal said with a smug smile.

*They went back to the ship where all the ingredients were. They took out a big bowl before they started. Mal worked on the spell and the ingredients while Evie,Jay and Carlos gave her what she needed.

* "Sugar, Arctic Flower, A poisoned apple and a tear of joy" Mal said and worked in the spell.

*Then they waited and prepared for the next step. To catch the smoke above and but it in a perfume bottle. But right now they just waited for it to boil.

* They waited after a while when suddenly some smoke started to lay over the bowl.

"It's time" Mal said.

*Mal used her magic to stop the smoke from disappearing. Then Jay took the parfume bottle and catches all the smoke. Inside the bottle the smoke turned to water again.

"Why didn't we just take the water from the bowl?" Carlos asked.

"Because it's not the same. The molecularly isn't the same" Evie said.

"Well Ok?... We say that I know what that means" Jay said.

*"Ok we got the spray let's go!" Mal said and they all ran out of the ship towards the museum. They hid behind some bushes and watched the guardians protecting the building.

"What are we going to do? There are too many guardians" Carlos said.

"We are going to go the backdoor" Mal said sneaky.

They went to the backdoor where there still were a couple of guardians. But with the spray the sprayed the guardians to sleep. Then they took one of the guardians keys and went inside.

* They looked around and saw all the magical objects standing here and there.

"Ok we're in. What now?" Jay asked.

"Grab as much useful things as possible. They are going to help us at the battle" Mal said and all the others nodded before they started to search.

*Evie searched around for her mirror but find something else.

"Mal come quick!"

The rest of the gang ran to Evie to find out what's going on.

"What is it Evie?" Mal asked.

"Look" Evie said and pointed in the magic wand inside a glass-box.

*Mal went up to the wand and took it slowly. Then she studied it for a while before she gave it to Evie who layed the wand inside her bag.

They continued looking for things and found things as Evie's mirror and Mal's spell book.

"With this..." Mal said and showed her spell book" ...The game can begin"

* After a while they got many magic things as Maleficent's wand, Dr Facilier's amulet and a magic rose that can make people fall into deTh sleep if you smell it.

"We got everything now" Carlos said

"Ok let's go back to the ship" Mal ordered.

*They sneaked through all the solders, sleep-spraying all the solders that spotted them until they came to the ship.

It was night and full moon. The water were pretty calm it was just swinging the boat a little so they could sneak in noiseless and safe.

When they were down they looked around in the darkness looking for the gang.

"It's just us" Mal whispered.

Suddenly the lamp turned on and there were Cilver and her crew. They hade the rest of the gang behind them. But Cilver had Ben who was on his knees looked at Mal with an hurt glance.

"Hello Mal....."


An other surprise by Cilver!!!
What do you think that she wants?
Leave your answer in the comments!!!

PS: I'll update every monday now on

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