James Moriarty x Reader

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Type: Fluff 

Warning: None (Well, this does involve murder and other things, but we all know Jim)


Reader POV

"Jim. I want some ice cream!" I yell, touching my 37 weeks pregnant stomach. He takes a tub of chocolate out of the freezer and gives me a spoon. He places a hand on my belly and feels the little one kick.

"This little boy is going to be a psychopathic genius. Just like his father." He says, lifting my shirt and kissing the bump. "Jim, please wait till he is at least 12. I don't want my 4 year old killing anything." I say, laughing.

Jim kisses me softly, in between bites. "Jim. We have a problem." I say, gulping down my last scoop of ice cream. "What's wrong, love?" He asks, worried.

"I'm in labor." I say, almost screaming. I didn't even notice my water broke. "Jim, I need to push." I say, my eyes wide. Jim freaks out and doesn't know what to do. I manage to get myself off of the couch and take my pants off. Jim looks down and sees the head. "His head is out!" Jim yells.

"Delivery the fucking baby, Moriarty!" I scream. I push hard and Jim carefully pulls the baby out. The baby cries as Jim cuts the umbilical cord with his pocket knife.

Jim wipes the baby off with the paper towels and wraps him in a blanket.

I sit watching my husband and newborn son. I may be in pain, but this is extremely cute. After the baby is clean and wrapped, Jim places him in my arms. "What are we going to name him?" Jim asks, smiling at his son.

"Benjamin James Moriarty." I whisper, running my fingers over my little babies face.

"I love it. I love you." He says to me. I kiss him and we keep looking at our son. Sebastian walks in and sees the baby, and smiles. "Congratulations guys. This is amazing. Home birth is amazing." He says, being soppy.

"Shut up, Moran! Don't get soft!"

"Moran, you get soft and I'll kill you!"

"Wow, you two are very different." He says.

Then I speak up "Moran, leave before I skin you alive." Jim smiles.

"My wife is a psychopath." 

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