My Enemy's Woman

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Sherlock had never run faster in his whole life. Not even the pouring rain could stop him; no matter how much he slipped, he would get up and continue to run. The people around him would either move to the side, freeing the way, or be pushed by him. He had to get back to 221B.

The fear, the anxiety, the nerves got over him, taking over the bit of control he had of himself and his own emotions. His hands, forehead and armpits were sweating and his heart was beating faster – and no, it had nothing to do with his current running marathon – without mentioning the fact that he was looking paler than usual.

He was human, after all, and knowing that the one person who could get him to feel, to embrace his humanity, could be in mortal danger was more than enough for him to forget about everything else and act like a regular person would. If it had been someone else, except for John of course, he would've acted as chill as possible; but it was (Y/N) and there was no time to play-pretend when it came to her.

It was just one text message, a very simple and annoyed one that made him lose all control. She had sent it, or so it seemed, because Sherlock received it from her phone. It could've been a trap, or worse, but that didn't matter because Sherlock would become even more reckless when she was involved.

If he exploded, if he got murdered, or trapped or kidnapped, it didn't matter. As long as she was safe... he would go to the end of the world and sacrifice himself to the Gods if necessary.

His fear was such that his whole body turned off the physical sensations, and so he didn't notice the muscular exhaustion that was caused by him crossing London by foot in less than ten minutes. He also didn't feel the scrapes on his knees and elbows, as well as that little twist in his ankle. No, all he could focus on was saving (Y/N).

When he caught glimpse of the black door he knew so well, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. However, the adrenaline was still there...

He stormed inside without worrying to be silent. It wasn't completely himself in such situations.

The whole building was quiet, and calm. Mrs. Hudson was supposed to be at her best friend's house playing poker and smoking cheap cigarettes. Watson was probably out buying groceries. (Y/N) was supposed to be there, reading or doing whatever that came to her mind while she waited for him to come back home.

But all Sherlock could hear was silence.

He kicked the door open, and the picture in front of him shocked him but also made his heart slow down a bit, saving him from a heart attack.

(Y/N) was sitting at his seat, tea cup in hand and staring at the man using Watson's chair: Moriarty. He had also a cup of tea in hand, and he had a cheeky smile on his face.

"Took you long enough." Moriarty mocked Sherlock, without even moving his eyes from (Y/N).

"I literally crossed London by foot, now tell me: What are you doing here?" Sherlock inquired.

"I just wanted to say hi." Moriarty said and then turned to look at Sherlock. "Hi!"

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "You said it, now leave."

Moriarty chuckled and turned back to see (Y/N). He took a sip from his tea, and Sherlock then noticed that his cup while half empty while (Y/N)'s was still full.

"You know," Moriarty started, "if I had known you had such a beauty hidden in this ugly flat, I would've visited you earlier."

Sherlock adopted an alpha male pose within milliseconds.

"That beauty is my fiancé, and you better not put a single finger on her or else..."

"I know." Moriarty interrupted, "She told me exactly the same."

Sherlock looked at (Y/N), but she didn't move.

The detective knew her so well he could basically read her mind in that moment. She was amazed by her fiancé's arch-enemy, and who wouldn't be? Moriarty was a weird specimen. But also, she was utterly annoyed, probably because Moriarty bombarded her with pick-up lines and sexual innuendos.

"Tell me, Sherlock," Moriarty spoke again, "how often do you have dinner? Because if I was in your place I would have dinner every single night." He licked his lips seductively, connecting his gaze with (Y/N)'s. She rolled her eyes and looked away – it was the first movement Sherlock saw her do in the few minutes he had been there.

"You..." Sherlock hissed, "Where are your manners? You can't just... Talk like that in front of a lady!"

"You're right." Moriarty cleared his throat and left the cup at the nearest coffee table. "My apologies, fair lady." He spoke truthfully, "I can't help but to return to my animalistic instincts when being face to face with such a beautiful goddess like you. You revive my carnal instincts in ways no other woman has, and I can't fight the urge of..."

"ENOUGH!" Sherlock stomped in front of (Y/N) protectively. "Get out!"

"Sherlock, I love it when you get all... bossy. And I'm sure your little fiancée does too. Maybe we could play together – just the three of us." Moriarty flirted.

"That's gross." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Sorry, I can't stop the dirty thoughts arousing my mind while you're around." Moriarty whispered, looking back at (Y/N) who was giving him a death glare. "See? It's that-that kind of thing that turns me on. The raw anger in your eyes and..."

"STOP!" Sherlock commanded.

"Don't be jealous, Sher." Moriarty pouted, "We can still play."

"Nobody is playing anything." Sherlock fumed, "Now, leave or I'll call the police."

Moriarty stood up gracefully to face Sherlock. "What will they do to me? If my only crime is falling in love with my enemy's woman."

"For God's sake!" Sherlock groaned.

The detective fisted Jim's clothing, and carried him out of the flat.

"I'll be back, my lady!" Moriarty promised in the most dramatic voice tone ever as Sherlock dragged him out.

Once out, Sherlock slammed the door on Moriarty's face. The consulting criminal bursted in a loud, maniac laughter that filled both Sherlock and (Y/N)'s ear, causing their skin to shiver in fear.

"This is not over!" He chanted.

What was going on in that crazy mind of his was a mystery, but Sherlock knew that (Y/N) had to be kept in constant vigilance because, whether it was just another joke or not, Moriarty was dangerous and he wasn't willing to risk his fiancée just like that.

Moriarty was insane, and with his recent interest towards (Y/N), the whole world became a warzone for Sherlock.

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