Greg Lestrade x Reader (OR IS IT)

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Type: Fluff

Warnings: None


Reader POV

I slip my beautiful gown on, making sure I don't rip it. Today, I become Mrs. Gregory Lestrade. And I couldn't be more disappointed. I didn't love Greg. I loved Sherlock.

But, of course, I knew Sherlock would never ever love me back. He's a high functioning sociopath or whatever he says. He also once told me "Caring is a chemical defect found in the losing side." And well, I knew he would never love me back.

So, I settled. I do not recommend settling. 

Mary walks in, smiling. "Sherlock has a gift for you." She says, handing me a box. "Thanks, Mary. Tell my fiance it'll be about 5 minutes and we will be doing the ceremony." I say, smiling weakly.

She leaves and I open the gift from Sherlock. It's a necklace and ring set. "Oh Sherl." I whisper, putting the necklace on. I put the ring on my right ring finger and smile.

"I love you so much." I whisper, in pain. I stand up straight and grab my bouquet of wild flowers. I walk out, and there stands Sherlock, smiling. "You look lovely." He says, hugging me tightly. He rushes down the stairs, and up comes John, to walk me down the aisle.

"Ready?" He asks. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I whisper, connecting arms with him. We walk down the stairs and down the back porch. I take a deep breath and start walking to Here Comes the Bride. I see Greg, just standing there, no emotion on his face.

When I reach Greg, John kisses my cheek and hands me off to him. I look at Greg and smile, and he does the same. The officiant talks and says what I wish I could do. 

"If anyone objects to the marriage of this couple, please speak up, or forever hold your peace." I close my eyes tight and hear "I object!"

I open them and see Sherlock, standing in the middle of the aisle.

"I object, because one of these people is lying." He says, smirking. "Y/N does not love Lestrade. She is in love with someone else. Someone here at this wedding. And I know who." He says

"Sherlock, please, sit down." Greg says, sighing. Sherlock doesn't listen.

"Oh no! Both are lying!" He says, deducing. "Let's start with Greg, shall we?"

"Greg just sighed, which means he is tired of this. Which also means he wants to get this wedding over with. He didn't say a word to Y/N when she got to the alter. He didn't compliment her at all. Also, while walking down the aisle, he showed no emotions. But, those are just from today. What's really wrong is the fact that Gregory Lestrade is not officially divorced to his previous wife, and is still sleeping with her." Sherlock tells everyone.

A tear runs down my face, only because it hurts to know that he didn't care. I did not love Greg, but I cared about him.

"Onto Y/N, she did not just slap Greg or run away. That's because she does not love him, but she does care enough to not cheat. Let's get back to the man she loves. Well, it's me. When around me, her pupils dilate, her pulse rises, and she looks lovingly at me. But, if the bride will come here and look at me, I can prove something." Sherlock extends his hand.

I walk up to him and look him in the face.

Dilated pupils.

I grab his wrist.

His pulse is higher than normal, and trust me, I have taken his pulse before to check for drugs.

"I love you, Y/N." He whispers.

"I bloody love you, Sherlock." I say, hugging him tightly. He hugs me back and hides his face in the crook of my neck.

Greg walks up to us and pulls me away from Sherlock. "Stay away from my bride." He snarls. I look at Greg dead in the face, and I slap him. "I am not your bride, anymore. I may have not loved you, but at least I didn't lie about being divorced and I never slept with anyone! You fucking prick!" I yell. I grab the engagement ring and throw it to the ground.

"Good bye, Gregory Lestrade."

 I grab Sherlock's hand and we run towards the road, hailing a cab.

Let me say,




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