Chapter 4- Captive

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The footsteps and ragged attempts of catching your breath echoed through the alleys as you ran. You legs were growing weak getting blistered and throbbing in pain. Your hand clenched onto your phone, you had called Sans and desprately wished he would find you soon. The group of raging men follwing close behind in the maze of back streets, alleyways, and sketchy neighborhoods. You found yourself avoiding the piles of trash or dirty needles on the ground.

You had keep running, even though you feel yourself slowing down a little. I got to keep moving. Sans will find me.. Just keep running. Trying to reassure yourself to keep moving, then suddenly your knees buckle under you. Letting out a yelp as you scrap your knee, as you hit the ground. Hissing at the pain shooting up your leg now, hearing the men shouting and running after you getting closer. You fought the pain and stood up as quickly as you could. That earned another jolt of pain, and plea from your body to stop. Biting your lip leaning onto the brick building for support, I got to move. The footsteps were behind you now, you lundge yourself foward to start running again when..

"I've got you now!" You feel a hand grip your hair tightly, pulling back forcefully causing you to screamed out in pain. You reach up trying your best to pull the big man off you, but to no avail but didn't deter you from trying.

"N-No let me go!" Your voice was strained, as you tried fight with the monster holding onto you. However in such a weakened state you couldn't manage to do much beside kick and scream. Finally giving up on try to fight him you instead thought of calling out for help, you try to summon your loudest voice possible. "Some-Some one!! Help me!!" Swallowing down some tears, you bite down your lip summoning your last once of strength. "Sans!!"


Teleporting in and out of the void appearing onto different rooftops looking down into alleyways, searching for (Y/N). C'mon where are they..?! He opened a pocket about to teleport again until he hears a scream.


It was a few buidling down, back alleyway the sounds of a struggle confirmed it along with other running feet aheading that way.

"(Y/N)!" Teleporting quickly to where the voice came from, Sans saw you struggling to fight of a Beast monster, from his intel the hairy bull monster was Ross the other henchmen at that Bastard's side. The bastard held your head by the scalp pulling you up roughly, causing whines of pain.

"Alright you dirty whore, I'm taking you back to boss. I'm sure he has plenty of rage you beat some respect into ya!" His grip tightened even more, your face twisting in fear and agony.

A loud snap was heard, along with quicken footsteps. Suddenly the sound of something making contact with skin and a loud crack rang into your ears. Everything was happening so fast, you didn't have much time to process everything. The grip holding your hair, let go freeing you from his grubby paws. However, since all your strength was gone you felt your body crumble towards the ground before an arm swifty catches you before you made contact. Ross laid unconscious on the ground, you weren't sure if he was breathing. Looking up to see Sans looking around you both, a low growl humming from his chest. More of Daniel's guard dogs had finally arrived and circled around. Their was about 10 of them, no way you would expect Sans to fight them all off. Well he could and he could do it very easily, however dealing with Sullen and teleporting nonstop to get here used up a large bit of his magic. This wasn't going to be easy for him.. He was about to snap his fingers to summon his bones, but someone beat him to it. A few men had be implaed by orange colored bone while the others, were struck in the back crying out in pain. Once the men fall to the ground dead around then, you could see another yet taller skeleton, and a few dog monsters holding small swords. Who are these people?? Did they know Sans..?

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