Part 10- Fight for you

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Sans finally told (y/n) how he felt about them, they stood looking into each others eyes a soft blush covering their cheeks. Sans could feel his soul beating wildly against his ribs anxiously waiting for their response to his confession. Waiting for a response in the quiet room, he could clearly hear the loud pounding in his ears.




After a moment or two of anxious waiting that was slowly turning to worry, did-did they not feel the same?! It took all he could to stop his hands from trembling. However all his doubts washed away when (Y/n)'s smiles
curled up sweetly. "I-I love you too Sans.." Hearing the sweet voice speak, affirming their feelings were mutual. It was wonderful to hear, he was so ready to seal the deal with a kiss but the soft voice rung up once more. "But.." (Y/n) looks down like a defeated puppy, tears lining their eyes. "I am helpless.. I'm  not strong like you or Undyne.. I want to be by your side always but-" Sans cut them off placing a finger over their lips.

"Now, listen doll. You are not helpless, and you are not weak. Humans compared to monsters are fragile but, physical strength isn't the only thing that makes us strong. You may feel weak outside but, inside is a strong fire." Sans pulls (y/n) closer to him. "And you won't be leaving my side anytime soon." Giving them a playful smirk, causing them to blush uncontrollably. Sans smiled more before pulling then in close and kissing them sweetly,  before trekking back upstairs to the room. The long awaited longing was ease by them melting together into the night.


      Afterwards Sans sat up in the bed smoking a small cigar blue smoke danced and twisted to the ceiling. After a bit he put it out looking over at (y/n)'s (s/c) back lined with a few glowing blue scratches, he made sure they didn't draw any blood, but Sans was sure if he had skin his back would be scratched up to the high heavens. He smiled leaning down and kissing their soft exposed shoulder. "Goodnight." He stood getting redressed, sad he had to leave (y/n) here but, he knew Chara was coming and waiting for Sans. He had to stop them. He won't make that mistake again!


Chara sat sharpening his new pretty blade. He had bought it for this special occasion. The blade resembled a kitchen knife, it was his preferred weapon to use. But the handle wasn't your standard knife handle. It was black but, it had hints of blue metallic design swirling and twisting like fire. The very same fire that flickers from Sans' eye socket when they fought, it was the fire of vengeance. Chara always had a sick obsession with that fire. It was Sans' way of showing no mercy, and Chara knew that. Sans was only one of the few people who was a challenge for Chara. No matter how many times he healed up Sans was always right back there ready to face him. This time would be different though... this time they will fight til death. Chara lifted his blade admiring the shine of the keen edge. It was truly a beautiful knife, prefect for a final fight. While staring into the reflection of the blade a familiar sound rung in the room and the grinning blue skeleton appeared in view on his knife.

"Welcome back Sansy~ did you miss me?" Chara grinned widely tilting his head back to look at the skeleton stand there. The skeleton didn't respond to the small boy. "Oohh so serious we are." Chara stood up and faced him. "Well it is fitting for our final fight. No more fun and games. I will bathe in your dust Sans. Then, I'll be off to finish the others along with your precious lovebird~" The skeleton's permanent smile didn't match the dark hatred in his eyes. He closed his eyes letting out a deep breath as he spoke.

"It's a beautiful day outside... birds are singing, flowers are blooming.. today is the day.. yOu WiLl BE bUrNiNg iN hElL!" His eye sockets snap open revealing his infamous fiery blue eye. Yes, this is what Chara wanted. That powerful stare sending chills down his back. Oh, he was enjoying this... maybe too much but, no matter to him. He was getting what he wanted. Sans wasted no time summoning rows of bones and multiple Gaster blaster skulls. Sending one attack after another, Chara seeming to dodge and weave through most. The occasional attack scrapping past him leaving thin scratches, that slightly bleed. Sans needed a chance to catch him off guard he needed a fatal blow. Or at least one to slow down his moments...

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