Part 11- Gunsmoke

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     The noise of brute force making contact with bone and flesh echoed through the hall. Whether it the small boys skull or neck breaking.. Sans didn't care. It's harsh to wish for a child's death. But, Chara wasn't a normal child.. He was evil and hurt all his friends and family, and even tried to kill (Y/n). He had to end this all right now. In his rage he swung his bat once more down onto the boys head. With that Charas body goes limp and crumbles to the ground. Sans drops his weapon with an exhausted huff. He just used a lot of his magic and his soul was shaking.

        "Finally... finally over... I hope you burn in Hell where you belong.." His eyes returning to normal looking down at the bloody body. The bones once holding him in place disappear with Sans' energy. Chara body made an eerie sound as it splashed into the pool of body. It sent a chill down Sans' spine.. Beads of sweat roll down his skull. He looks up at the high golden ceiling and takes in deep breathes. He closes his eyes for a moment till rushed footsteps coming from behind alerts him. He looks back and it's (Y/N) and Undyne. Undyne stood behind looking away knowing fully that Sans would stare daggers at her for bringing them here.
      "Sans!" They shout happily and start to quickly walk over to him. Yes, Sans was upset they were here but, seeing them in front of him he forgot all about it as he turned to face them. Arms ready to embrace them again, a smile on his face.


     Sans knew that sound all too familiar. His heart dropped as he felt time slow down to him turning back to a bloody red smile of the boy's face. He seemed to swiftly swing his knife upwards, before Sans could think.


     A loud gunshot and voice rings in Sans' skull. The sounds muffled as flashbacks roll over his eyes. After a moment to process the event that occurred he was finally able to see. A wide eyed Chara steps back with a hand over there chest. "You.." was all they could mutter before they crumble and collapse to the ground once again into blood pool seeping from under them.

     "I.. I did it!" (Y/n) chirps. A baffled Sans looks down at his chest expecting a giant bloody gash that he saw many times before... That he felt many times before. However, one wasn't there to be seen... only a slightly torn shirt showing a part of his ribcage. That was close... Too close. He looks back at (y/n), who was holding a small pistol. The one he saw them using during training. Undyne walked up and placed a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder.
        "Nice shot there punk! You actually did it." They grinned at each other. "Go ahead and take Sans home. Me and the boys will clean the mess."
         (Y/n) nodded and wrapped an arm around him while he leaned onto them with his arm draped over their shoulder. They stood with Sans who seemed to still be in a state on confusion. "It's all ok now.. Don't worry I will explain everything once we are home." They lead Sans back to the exit, he was weak and was out of words to say at the moment.

       "Sans, I'm glad we made it in time. You left me worried sick!" (Y/n) protested with a pout before looking up at the skeleton. It took Sans a second to collect himself again, seeing their face.. He couldn't help but smile.

       "Sorry doll, I just didn't want you to get hurt. I would of liked you to stay home and.." His words were cut short.

        "And do nothing? Nu uh don't think so. If we didn't show up... you.." The soft voice trailed off. "Well it doesn't matter now. What really matters is that you are alive and getting you back to the house to recover. You used a lot of magic did you not?"

       He chuckled a small bit, "Yeah.. I did." By now he was able to walk on his own again he still kept his arm around their shoulder. They got out of the underground location, where they saw a frantic Papyrus.

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