Chapter 6- Emotions.

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Sans stayed holding onto you in his protective embrace until you were able to continue talking. He didn't like seeing tears falling from your eyes, hell he didn't like seeing you upset at all. Looking into your eyes softly he didn't realize they were a beautiful shade of (E/C). As he looked into them he saw that your eyes have see so many sad and terrible things, with a small glimmer of life. It was almost microscopic, but it was there. Sans had the urge to know all the experiences that brought you this sadness.. but, he also wanted to know the ones that brought you joy.. Sadly though.. He had to know more, he could feel his soul pumping with a flaming fire of murderous intent. He would control it for now, but when the time comes to end that bastard.. Oh he will enjoy every second of it.

Reluctantly, knowing it was a toughy subject Sans gulped prepping himself for the next question, "Did that bastard do this to you..?" Sans softly slide a hand over a large bruise on their leg. This made you gulp, wiping away a stray tear now finally calmed down from before. You had used make up to try covering up all the bruises and scars. After a moment, you nodded comfirming it. As Sans looked more at your arms and legs, he amount of them boiled his insides. He wondered how many times that bastard laid a hand on you.. He gestured to you shirt, as if yo ask if there were more on your chest or back. Hesitantly, you bite your lip lifting up your shirt, having still been wearing your top from work you didn't feel too exposed. Though that didn't stop the blush to cover your cheeks. Sans smiled faintly as to say thanks before he looked at your stomach, chest and back. He thought it couldn't of been any worse.. He was wrong.. You sat quietly for a moment to let him look, when he was done his eye sockets were hollow. He was scared to ask the next question but.. He still had to ask. "Did he rape you?"

After a second, you lowered your shirt and shook your head, "H-He would try to force himself onto me often but, I would always reject him and fight him off me.." You take another long breath to stop your trembling, "No way I would ever least that grotesque man feel any pleasure with my body. So for fighting back and not letting him have his way.. I was beaten for rejecting him each time.. He even tried to attack me in the car last night on the way back to his place.. after he found out you had requested me for a private dance.. I took a moment to myself after you left and I guess he thought i was secretly meeting someone. He asked me about it when I got into his car, when I didn't respond in time he lundged at me. I kicked that fucker in the nose, before I jumped out of the car running into the alleyways. So... That's when I called you. I was so scared.." You looked down, twiddling your thumbs on your lap.

"I'm so sorry doll.. Don't worry he wont hurt you any longer. I will keep you safe from now on.. You have my word." Sans says in a serious and reassuming voice. Looking at you, his finger caressing your cheek softly. You reflexively close their eyes, rubbing your face against his hard hand. "I promise to protect you.." Instinctively, he leaned in and kissing you softly, your lips were as soft as he remember.. and just as sweet..

Feeling his gentle touch on your cheek sure made you feel safe, closing your eyes. You start nuzzling your face in that hand you came to love. I think its not just his hand I love.. I could be.. with him. It was too soon to tell, you only just met him. But something inside uou was willing to give this man your everything. Suddenly feeling him press against your lips you froze in surprise. Do you feel the same then..? Returning the soft kiss that you have received. Breaking the kiss, while looking into each others eyes again. That feeling you felt before, started to resurface. The warm feeling in your chest flickering like a small candle. You just wanted to forget everything, just wanted to be here in Sans' arms feeling his comforting warmth and touches. "Sans..." Your voice was soft, almost ..alluring.

Looking at them for a brief moment seeing how the mood of the room shifted. He wasn't sure what was happening at first but, looking at how your eyes reflected his. He knew. It was that kind of mood now. Though he didn't want to push anything onto you especially after the heavy discussion you both just had. He was more of a gentlemen then that to take advantage of someone like this. Little did he know of the.. vivid dream you had with him last night, and that coming back forward didn't help calm you down. You slowly move closer to the skeleton man, "Sans..?" This time your voice was full on pleading, feeling your body warm up.

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