Chapter 7- Target

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The night was quiet at the Toriel's household, she was sitting by the fire reading calmly to herself after taking Frisk to sleep. She had peeked in to. The room to check in on (Y/N), and flushes brightly seeing you and Sans, in an embrace under the blankets sleeping peacefully. Both of their clothes scattered on the floor, "Oh my.."  Not wanted to wake the two sleeping, she shut the door quietly, trying not to disturb them. She smiled remembering how cute you both looked together, and the way Sans looked at you as you ate the pie slice. As she was lost in thought she heard a knock at the door, as she sat back in her chair. Curious on who would be visiting at this hour, it was late and she was planning to get to sleep herself after she finished the chapter of he book she was reading. Getting up from her chair again walking over to the door, she opens it slowly. "Yes, Hello who is i-!" Before she could finish her sentence a sharp pain stretched across her chest. Looking down and clasping her hand over the open wound on her chest. Looking at who was at the door she noticed the familiar figure. "Ch-Chara... no.. I thought.. You-" Toriel coughs up some blood, falling to her knees tears welling in her eyes "Chara.. I .." Her words trailed off along with her body collapsing to the floor before it turned to dust.

Chara's face twisted in sick pleasure, he didn't plan to kill the woman he once knew as mother. But, sadly she was the one who greeted him at the door. "Sorry mom but, I have a job to do." Walking over the pile of dust, as he walked through the house he found the spare bedroom door. With a smile he steps towards the wall opposing the door and craved a smiley face into the wall with with a note saying 'You know where to find me. Bring (y/n) too. :)' He uses one of his spare knives to stab the note into the dryway under his wonderful smile signature. "Hehehehe, I'll be waiting old friend." Chara's eyes gleaming as he peeks into the room at the skeleton, "see you soon..". Heading back downstair with a casual whipser has he hopped over Toriel's pile, handing back out into the night. He smiled making his way back to their old spot. Sans knew the place all too well.. Chara was sure he would come.

After sleeping comfortablely for a while you wake up slowly, being held in someone's embrace. Looking up slightly you to see your face so close to half lidded skeleton. His grin was broad watching your cheeks slowly start to flush. A sweet moment as you look into his eyes. However, it did not last long.. A frantic Frisk bursts through the bedroom door, waving her arms in urgency tears apparent in their eyes before running out.

Sans quickly shot up slipping on his pants and shirt before rushing out the room after Frisk. Sans stops at the door seeing the smiley face carved into the wall across the hall facing the room you were in with the small message underneath. Sans quickly reads the note, his eyes go black with rage. Before he moves to the stairsway, you do the same, following close behind Sans down the stairs to the front entrance way.  Freezing in horror looking over to the front door where Frisk fell to their knees weeping quietly at the pile of dust. Though you didn't know much about monsters, you knew when one dies they turn to dust. You remember hearing on the news when gangs of humans would attack monsters at night or huge fights broke out between the two races. All ended the same way blood and dust would paint the streets.

"Tori- No..!" Running over to the scene next to Frisk, placing an arm around their shoulder comforting them as mu h as yoy could. Sans walks over to scene his eyes still dark looking over the pile of dust infront of him. You hug Frisk tightly letting them cry against your shoulder. Who.. and why would anyone do this...? Unless... You gasp as a certain man's name pops into your head it made yoy sick to yoyr stomach just think he was behind this. Daniel... He must be the one behind this.. Toriel was killed... You knew he was angry with you and he would have the power and money to do such a thing. But, to have such a sweet woman die just because he could. Looking down at the dust pile and seeing Frisk and Sans in such a distraught state, Toriel was killed because of me..? Guilt washed over you sinking your mind into depression. 'You did this! You caused this poor woman to die! It's all your fault! Surely they must hate you now, you should be the one dead on the floor not her.' The dark thoughts whirlpooled in your mind sinking it all down to your chest. Your soul trembling and crackling as tears filled your eyes before, looking up at Sans eyes full of remorse. "Sans-.. I'm.. I'm so sorry.. I-it's all my-..."

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