Chapter 32: Escapee

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Cemal bowed to Imaran. “Sire…”

Imaran nodded. “What news?”

“I do not believe that Fath is in any way involved with Hashim’s plot on purpose. I believe that – based on everything I saw about his house and his behavior – Hashim was using him as an unwitting accomplice.” Cemal murmured.

Imaran smiled. “I believed that all along, but better safe than sorry.”

Cemal smiled back. “He seems a very nice person… I think I must revise my former opinion of him. It was made without the proper understanding of his character…” Cemal admitted.

Imaran laughed. “You often make snap judgments about people and find that they are not correct… All of us do. It’s part of our nature. What is important that we keep an open mind to the person after making the judgment so that we do not misjudge someone either for ill or for good.”

Cemal nodded. “I understand, Sire.”

Imaran stood, sighing. “All right, then. You have no further information?”

“Only that Fath seems to have built his palace very quickly for being back only a month.” Cemal murmured.

“Hmm… I know well why that is…”

“Then, please, share, Uncle. It could be a threat to the kingdom if it falls into other hands. I would not risk that.” Cemal warned.

Imaran nodded, tapping his fingers together as he walked across the stone floor to stand before the tall, wide windows. He looked out over the city, staring at the tiny buildings below. After a few moments of silence, he spoke. “Cemal, what did Fath say about the pot at dinner that one night?”

Cemal’s eyes widened in understanding. “I thought… I thought that was an idle boast… Djinn don’t exist.” He crossed his arms, a stubborn light coming into his eyes.

Imaran huffed. “They exist all right. How else did he build the palace he now resides in so quickly? How else did he suddenly become rich when Hashim never paid him?”

Cemal ducked his head. “He… How do we know he won’t use it against you?”

Imaran shrugged. “We don’t. But he did the work to get it. We will watch to be certain, but I do not think that boy would do such a thing. He has a good heart, and pure. Remember what he said about Hashim? We already know the two weren’t in league with each other… So we can assume that he speaks truth about the pot and the protections about it. If he wasn’t pure and entering the cave with good intentions, he would be unable to reach the cave.”

Cemal nodded. “I hope that you are right, Uncle… If he does have one of the legendary djinn at his command, who knows what he might do with it.”

“No other…”

Imaran was cut off as guards burst through the doors. “Sire!”

Imaran glared at them. “You didn’t knock.”

The guards backed up, bowing. “Sorry, Majesty!” The first one said.

“But the prisoner has escaped!” The second finished.

Imaran sighed, walking to his throne and sitting down heavily. “How long has he been gone? Do you know?”

They shook their heads.

The first guard piped up. “Sire, he was checked on last night. This morning, when a guard went down to feed him, he was gone. We wasted no time coming to you.”

Imaran nodded, staring at the small hourglass sitting on the table beside his throne. “Send guards after him. I will not have him on the loose again.”

Cemal cut in. “Sire! Let me go after him!”

Imaran sighed. “You just got back, and I do not think that…”

“Please…” Cemal begged. “I’ll bring him back, dead or alive.”

Imaran closed his eyes, thinking. Then he spoke. “Very well… You may go after him. Do not bother leaving him alive if he struggles against you. Kill him. He’s too dangerous to keep alive.”

Cemal bowed. “I thank you, Sire.”

He turned and swept from the room, going to his rooms to retrieve his weapons.

He always kept a knife or two on his person at all times, but he rarely kept his saber or other heavier weapons on him at any given time without good reason. Instead, he stored them in his room, preferring the simple, decorative sword to the real one when he was in court. But strapped to both of his upper calves just concealed by his boot, lay a sheathed knife on either side of his calf.

After sweeping up his saber and exchanging it for the decorative sword, he strapped his balderdash to his back with a second sword. Strapping another brace of knives to his arms and about his waist, he left his room, heading down the hall for the palace entrance.

Just as he reached the palace entrance and was about to walk down the steps to the courtyard, Yaz came flying at him in a flutter of black gauzy fabric mingling with blue silk. She threw her arms around his neck as soon as he reached her, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Why didn’t you let the guards take him, you silly man? He’s a magician… He is dangerous! What if he kills you?” She sobbed.

He patted her back, giving her a hug. “Yaz, I cannot delay… I too am dangerous. He is not the only one. I will return. I promise.”

She nodded, stepping back with the tears streaming down her cheeks. “Listen… Father says that Fath has a djinn… Ask him to help you. Please. He might be the only way you can defeat and slay Hashim.”

Cemal looked down. “I have no time to collect him to help me, and there is no guarantee he would come. I cannot waste my time arguing with him when I need to track down Hashim. I am sorry, Yaz. But have no fear… I will return.” He pulled her into a brief kiss then let go, wiping her tears away before he exited the palace, preparing himself mentally for the confrontation and the chase.

This time, Hashim would not escape.

Because Cemal was going to make him pay for his crimes. He would die this day.  

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