Chapter 48: Into Position

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Channan swung himself up into Yaz’s chambers. The lattice leading up to the window was incredibly useful. She really ought to think about the dangers posed by that thing. Anyone who knew how to climb well and quietly would be able to get in.

Yaz was waiting on the bed, staring at him as he climbed inside. “You’re late.”

“Sorry… Evading the guards that weren’t mine… You really ought to consider removing that thing when this is all over… Anyone could get in here.” He pointed out.

She crossed her arms, staring at him with that unnerving, searching stare of hers. “My health and safety is not your concern, Channan.”

“Yes, it is. You’re my Princess. In fact, I’d say, you’re also my Queen because your father is dead. It is my duty to protect you – as it is that of any countrymen of yours.” He objected.

She waved a hand to a chair of mahogany wood with a blue silk cushion on the seat. “Sit.”

He strode over to the chair, stretching out his long legs and propping them on the bed.

She ignored his boots on the bed. They weren’t clean, really, but they weren’t exactly nasty either. She had more important things to deal with. “What news have you gathered?”

He shrugged, smiling. “Well, most of the men in the army are mine… Obviously, the ones that guard you twenty-four are my closest men… Trusted ones too… I wouldn’t allow anyone to infiltrate your guard without trusting them…” He murmured.

“The point, Channan?” Yaz prodded, her weariness making her snappish.

“We’re ready for the attack whenever you are.” He whispered.

She nodded. “In just another two weeks, Hashim will be announcing my pregnancy. At Gafar’s request, he moved the date up. I’ve already informed my friends. They responded in the affirmative. They will be there and ready to help.”

Channan eyed her stomach. “Not showing yet… What’s it been, two months?”

She glared at him. “None of your business… But it’s been three since you asked.” She huffed.

“Humph…” He looked up at her darkening eyes. “I wasn’t insulting you, my Lady. No worries there…”

“You better not have been… Because you don’t insult a pregnant woman. You just don’t… Unless you have a death wish.” Yaz remarked, examining her nails in faked nonchalance. “They tend to be rather… Unpredictable. It’s the hormones, you see… They get all out of whack.”

Channan nodded. “Believe me, I know… My wife’s pregnancy with my son…” He shook his head, smiling. “There were a lot of tears and yelling for no apparent reason… I never let her annoyance or crankiness get to me though… I knew it wasn’t something she could always control…”

“Yes… Well… I hope that it was worth it.” Yaz resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

She really was tired. All she wanted was to curl up on the bed and go to sleep. Thankfully, for once, she was alone. She didn’t have to pretend not to mind Gafar’s close proximity.

He had too much work to see to, and he was planning on working through the night. A welcome relief.

If only Channan weren’t still sitting here. “So… Do the new recruits know the signal?”

He nodded. “All of them know… We’re ready. In two weeks’ time, we will have begun the attack… And we will be ready to wipe the traitors out before they see it coming.”

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