Chapter 10: When Will Things Go Right?

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Fath thought about what he’d done. He’d just turned down Sultan Imaran’s offer of a job and his daughter’s hand, should Fath prove worthy. And all so that he could go chasing down some oil pot in the hopes that the djinn within would prove real and make his fortune.

Why had he done it? Because I don’t feel worthy of her the way I am. I don’t want to be just some charity case that piggy-backs into the throne. I want Yazmina, but I want to court her on my own right; I want to bring something to the whole thing…

He sighed. Now he would have to tell his mother that he had just turned down a reasonable, steady job offered by the Sultan himself. Why was it he just kept getting himself into worse and worse predicaments as he tried his best to fix the problems he’d already caused?

He didn’t have the answers to any of his questions, really. Shaking his head, he trudged up the walk to their house, heart heavy.


Yaz traversed the halls, heading for her secret listening spot above the dining hall. She could listen in on her father’s conversation with Fath, and she could even get a good eyeful of what was happening too. It was, by her standards anyway, the perfect place for spying.

Someone’s hand took hold of her arm, spinning her about to face them.

She looked first at black strapped sandals, then farther up at the black and white robes. Finally, her gaze traveled to the face. Her heart thudded to a stop, and her mouth felt dry as though someone had stuffed a mouthful of flour into it. “Ga…Gafar?” She stammered, mentally cursing herself for coming across as weak.

He smiled at her. “Going somewhere?”

She nodded. “Yes.” She swallowed, trying to control the trembling beginning in her body.

Gafar had already made advances to her, trying to kiss her a few times, caressing her arm with no care whatsoever. He always smiled at her and treated her with kindness, but all this served only to unnerve her further. He wasn’t stable. Yaz knew this. He was on the brink of madness, seeing rivals in the shadows and believing that even the smallest, poorest of folk were out to get him.

She’d seen it. He’d told her once, in a drunken stupor when he’d tried unsuccessfully to show her his undying love, that he’d had several people thrown into the dungeons and made sure several former school rivals didn’t get jobs. It disgusted her even more than his sloppy attempts to kiss her or get her to respond to his advances.

He was staring at her now, the lust plain in his black eyes. She shivered despite her attempt to suppress the response.

“Where are you going, my Princess?” His voice was low and seductive – or at least, Yaz thought that’s what it was supposed to be.

“To… to my…” She stopped. She didn’t want Gafar knowing where she was going. “To the library…” She murmured, ducking her head.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Really?”

She lifted her head, staring into those dark, raging eyes. Eyes that made her feel trapped and owned. She didn’t want to be owned. “Yes…”

He pressed her back until her bare shoulders and lower back pressed against the cold stone wall. “Gafar…” She warned, heart racing, breath coming faster.

His breath slithered down her neck, hot and smelling slightly of wine. Of course he wouldn’t be sober. Just her luck. That always made it more difficult to deal with him.

She looked away from him, staring down the corridor and willing someone to appear to aid her. “Gafar…” She said again, a whimper coming involuntarily to her lips.

He smiled at her, his face mere inches from hers. “You know what?”

Yaz’s pulse continued to speed up. “No. What?” Her lips parted as she tried to take in rapid, shallow breaths without touching him at all. It wasn’t working. His body was pressed up against hers, trapping her to the wall with no escape. This particular hall was abandoned.

Well, of course it is, you idiot girl! That’s why you go this way when you’re using your spy hole! Yaz felt her belly cramping and roiling.

“I’ve decided to ask your father a very important question, Yasmina.” Gafar murmured, pressing his face to the crook of her neck.

She gasped, trying to wiggle away. “Gafar!” She pleaded.

He moved back only slightly, staring at her. “I’m asking him for your hand, Yasmina, and you know he’ll say yes. He’s not getting any younger, and whatever he says about letting you choose, he needs you to marry and produce an heir. He needs to know that his kingdom’s line is secure. It won’t be if you never marry. And don’t forget… You can’t inherit the throne if you don’t marry. It automatically defaults to the Vizier if he dies and you aren’t married. Then I’ll just take what I want anyway. You. So you see, there really is no other alternative.”

Tears welled in her eyes. He was right, wasn’t he? Father would say yes despite what he’d said about letting Yaz choose.

Gafar pulled her roughly against him, pressing his mouth against hers forcefully. She went to pull back, but he wouldn’t let her. Tears flowed down her cheeks.

If she hadn’t hated Gafar before, she did now. Heat flourished in her belly. Her skin felt hot, and flames seemed to ignite within her. Those flames gave her the courage, the strength, to push Gafar away.

She slapped him across the face hard. “Don’t you dare!” She hissed. “I am never going to marry you, you wretched man! Leave me alone!”

She spun, intending to leave.

But his hands went around her hips, holding her captive, pulling her up against him. His arms encircled her waist, and his hot breath wafted against her neck’s bare skin and her earlobe. “You know I’m right.” He murmured. “I’ll get my way. Then we’ll see if you can spurn me, Yasmina.” He nipped her earlobe painfully before letting go.

She didn’t turn back to slap him again, but instead fled down the hall. She ran to her room, crying full-force now. How could Gafar do this? Yes, he was unkind and inconsiderate. Yes, he’d been inappropriately forward in his advances, but he’d never been cruel.

Her earlobe was bleeding slightly, and she knew he’d intended it to hurt in return for her pulling away from his kiss and refusing to respond to it.

She flung her door open, slamming it behind her and bolting it before collapsing onto the bed. What was she going to do about this? Just when things were going right with Fath, Gafar had to come in and ruin things. Then again, hadn’t he always done so? Every step of life he’d been there, overshadowing her and hounding her. Ever since the night when he'd killed a man - a man he claimed had wronged her severely - he had been distant and frightening. She’d never said anything to her father, for fear of embarrassing herself and causing further issues with Gafar, but now she thought it would’ve been wise to talk with him about it.

How could this happen to me now? Yaz wailed in her head. All I’ve asked of life is to be allowed to live happily and in peace. To have the man I love for a husband, be surrounded by our children, and rule my people in prosperity and peace. What’s so hard to grant about that wish? Why couldn’t I have had that? She buried her face in the pillow, clenching her teeth and screaming into it.

When would things finally go right? 

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