Chapter 4

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The wind nipped at my skin as I hear waves crashing against the Pier's wooden pillars. The cold breeze made me shiver that led The8 and Vernon hand me their jackets. I tried to grab Vernon's coat but The8 stopped me.

"Y/N, just take mine" claimed The8. "Vernon is only wearing one layer." he continued.

"It's ok Y/N, I'll be fine." Vernon argued.

"Vernon, it's ok. You'll be cold." I said as I took The8's offer. A fit of pique was on Vernon's face.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Yes!" Everyone cheered as we hoped on our tour bus.

Everyone sat at their same spot still talking about the rocket boat.

About 15 minutes later, we have arrived at our final destination...

"Welcome to Golden Gate Bridge!" I said. "Do you guys want to hike first or walk on the bridge?" I asked.

Half of Seventeen chose to hike and the others chose to saunter across the bridge.

"Ok, so we will be in two groups. First group will hike and the rest will walk on the bridge with me," I ordered. "Then the second group will meet me here and we'll switch groups" I continued.

First Group : S.coups, Jeonghan, Hoshi, Joshua, Seungkwan, and Woozi.

Second Group: Vernon, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Dino, The8 and Jun.


As the first group started to walk away, beginning their hike, fading into the misty fog, we headed to the bright red bridge that connected San Francisco and the Marin Country.

"DK, stop!" I shouted as DK was leaning on the bridge's rails. "Do you want to die?!"

Dokyeom straightened up and had his eyes on the floor. "I'm sorry for shouting," I apologized, "It's just that this is a hotspot for suicidal people. Fall off this bridge and you're dead." DK bit his lip, bowing down as a gesture for apologizing.

"See that little island over there" I say as I point ahead, "that island is Alcatraz"

"What is Alcatraz?"

"Alcatraz is a small island that developed facilities for lighthouse, a military fortification, and a federal prison." I explained as they nod their heads.

"So it's a prison?" asked Wonwoo. I nod.

"Wonwoo, that's where you're suppose to be,"Dino joked. Mingyu gave a him death stare as he clutched into the offended Wonwoo. He stopped laughing, knowing he'll die if he didn't stop.

"It actually ended in the early 1963 due to the institution being so expensive. Since it is located in the middle of the bay, they had to ship a lot of supplies including food and other resources."

They nodded their heads in unison as a gesture of comprehension.

"Can we go over there?" asked Jun.

"Yea sure but don't go too far" I respond.

The boys continue to take pictures with their cameras that suspended from their neck as I was left alone, watching the waves crashing into the rock barriers of Alcatraz. I gazed at the boats heading to the direction of the island.

"You really know a lot about Alcatraz." I was startled when I saw Vernon beside me.

"Well, I mean...I'm a tour guide" I reply.

"I know that" he teases. "I bet you've been to Alcatraz many times."

"Well actually I haven't" I reply.

"How come?" he asked.

"It's a long story and..."

"I'm ready to listen" Vernon said as he cuts me off, staring deep into my eyes.

"Fine" as I sighed. "I'm not originally from San Francisco. I'm actually from New York. I remember going home from school I would always see my father sitting on his desk always waiting for me. We would always discuss where we want to go for summer and during that time, we were thinking of going to San Francisco, specifically Alcatraz. Ever since, I've been studying about Alcatraz and about San Francisco so I can tour my father myself. It's just a special bond we do." I said as I felt a tear running down my face.

"Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to make you cry" said Vernon putting his hand on my cheeks to wipe out the tear.

"Yea I'm fine don't worry" I mumbled. "Do you want me to continue?"

"If you're ok with it" he replied, putting down his hands.

"So yea, it's a special bond I do with my father whenever it's summer. We've been through a lot of places like Tokyo, Japan; Barcelona, Spain; even Seoul, South Korea. However, that summer wasn't the best... My father was diagnose with brain tumor. Summer ended and we were still at the hospital. I never left his side and I was there holding his hands through every step of his recovery. Until one day he gave something to me... It was a plane ticket to San Francisco and another ticket to Alcatraz. I refused to accept it, but he insisted. I thought he wanted me to visit San Francisco, but he told me he actually wanted my mother and I to move there. He didn't want us to see him suffering. It was too late to go back because he died the following day and I was just in my room crying and I refused to eat or even get up." I explained as I took out something out of my pocket.

"See this?" I said. "It's the Alcatraz ticket that my father gave me."

I tried to hold in my feelings, but couldn't. I started to scream, "AAAAAHH, why did you have to leave us?! You promised we'll come here together!!" My legs started to weaken, tears beginning to form,"I miss you." I gripped on the ticket, holding it closely to my heart. I felt a hand pat my back, telling me thats it's okay.

I actually didn't have anyone to talk to about this. My mom was going through the same pain and I don't want to add to that. It was nice to finally let that out.

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