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      Only 3 more weeks till Christmas break that's what I told myself. 3 weeks and then I'm free for 2 weeks. No school, no work, just time to relax.  But unfortunately it was a Monday and I hadn't even made it out of bed yet. My alarm clock was blaring, screaming for me to get up and not be late. My entire body felt stiff and I basically fell from bed. Standing up slowly I maneuvered myself to my clothing area. Taking whatever was on top I manage to come out with black leggings, white leg warmers, white sweater, some boots, and to top it off I had my hair down. Rushing down the stairs with a quick wave goodbye to my parents I sprinted to school.
     The school was crazy people were bustling everywhere, almost as if they were preparing for something. Funny thing is, I'm standing at the gate looking like a lost puppy.
     The scenery looked exactly the same from when me and Adrien would run through the snow and trip because our little legs couldn't carry us. The memory brought tears to my eyes. It was so long ago but seemed like only yesterday. I looked down at my wrist and saw the bracelet he bought me. It was a simple chain with two charms around it: A ladybug and A cat paw. Two of our favorite things. I often wondered if he still remembered me. If he kept his promise from all those years ago. He probably forgot about me, most likely all caught up in his modeling job or whatever rich people do. 
      My thoughts were demolished when I felt the impact of the cold ground. Standing up slowly while rubbing very sore elbow I looked up to see Chloe and a very attractive girl standing next to her which I immediately recognized as Lila Rossi. Both were rich girls and had the power to wipe anyone out of their way. Standing somewhat straight I pulled my bag closer and looked at the ground while I mumbled an apology.
"So Mari-trash, what had you so aww-struck."
I quickly lied, "I was just looking at the snow."
"Ohh, just shut up, we all know you were waiting for the big arrival," Lila was almost screaming out what I thought was joy?
I was so confused that I couldn't help myself from questioning, "What big arrival?"
      They both scoffed and started laughing before Chloe started to talk, "Haven't you heard Adrien Agreste Is moving back to Paris, and he should be here any minute." Both girls freaked out some more, and I could only stare at the snow. He was coming back, my childhood best friend, how could this day get any better.
"So anyway Mari-trash we just need you to leave because rich doesn't mix with poor," both girls snickered. No one knows but their words sting hard. I've cried myself to sleep countless times because of them and no one knows. It was my secret for only me to know. Before long I realized that I most likely wouldn't get to talk with Adrien. Taking a sad step I headed for the doors only to be stopped bye the crunch of snow and squeals of 2 girls.
     Right there at the school gates stopped a black limo, completely shiny, looked brand new. And before my eyes I saw a boy. Most likely around the age of 16 but what stood out the most was his golden sun hair and grass green eyes. This was the boy that left me 11 years ago and the same boy I prayed to return.

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