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"Adrien, will you hold my hand?"
" Why?"
" Because it cold, and my hands are super chilly," she reached her hand out, waiting for me. I hesitated for a second before grabbing her hand. Her hand was freezing, it was like holding ice. My hand felt numb but I didn't move it because she was cold. Mom always said, " Do what your heart says and always be a good friend."
     End of flashback

     I haven't spoken to Marinette since the incident. It's been roughly 2 weeks maybe more or less but I don't really know. She won't have anything to do with me. Honestly I wouldn't even want to hang out with myself. I've gotten worse over the past unknown weeks. It's just the usual stuff; girls, flirting, bitchy attitude nothing's changed. Nino is scary to be around he's all bark and bite.
     Today was Thursday, and I had the usual photoshoot. But this time it was in the park instead of the usual more fancy place. Father had just recently came out with a winter fashion line since winter rolled in fast.
     My limo came and picked me up and brought me to my house. I had a certain outfit that I was supposed to wear but I convinced Father to let me pick the coat. The house was dark and gloomy, just like I left it.
     My outfit for the photoshoot was rather simple, but that didn't matter because whatever I wear I'll will rake in money. My outfit was black skinny jeans with leather boots, and a black sweatshirt with the stripes and white v-neck underneath (The sweatshirt is like his shirt from the show). I quickly sprinted for the
door -DAMN- I was already late. Father was in America again for something "super" important.
     The park was a quick jog but when I walked in no one was there. Looking at my watch I realize that I'm really early. Well, that's what a cat like me gets, Bad Luck. And I'm not kitten around I always find myself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Glancing around I see a girl sitting on a bench across the park and I think to myself, Why Not? Slowly strutting over I begin to think of a plan on how I'll get this girl to swoon over me, just walk over and talk to her. Then she'll be foaming at the mouth because sexy beast is talking to her of all girls.
She's about 10 feet in front of me and all I can see is her blackish-blueish hair draped over her shoulders. From what I can see she really is stunning, beautiful even. I casually slide behind her and see what she's doing. She's drawing a dress. It looks to be more of a summertime dress. It's short and decorated in cat paws, the detail my unknown lady puts in her work is amazing.
"You're dress is amazing," the words tumble out of my mouth.
"It's just a bunch of doodles," her voice is like a bell but there's a hint of sadness, and I realize she hasn't turned around yet.
"If you don't mind me asking, but what are you doing out in the park alone."
"I come here when I'm upset or just need to clear my mind," she still doesn't look.
"May I sit next to you?"
"Of course, you didn't have to ask."
I sit next to her and lean back and start to get ready to put my player skills to the test, but then she looks at me.
"A-A-Adrien, what are you doing here?" She sounds horrified and I look at her. MARINETTE was my unknown girl. The girl who just yelled at me to leave. I answered with uncertainty but I let my player side take over.
"I have a photo shoot in 30 minutes, I certainly didn't expect to see a princess here," I laugh at how dumb I sound, but this will definitely get her to swoon.
"I'm not your princess," her voice is low and stern but makes me remember something.

"Mari will you be my princess?"
"Only if you'll be my prince."
End of flashback

"But I called you that when we were younger," I reason.
"That was a long time ago," she grabs her stuff and stands to leave but I grab her wrist.
"But I'm back, forgive me." She leans close and pokes at my chest.
"Adrien I will forgive almost everybody but you and Chloe and Lila can't be forgiven for what you've done."
"What did I ever do Mari?"
"Do you know how hard it was to watch you leave 11 years ago. To open the box and find a charm bracelet. To realize that I might never see you again. I was so happy when I heard you were coming back but your just like THEM," I don't understand.
"Chloe and Lila you're just like them you only care for yourself. You just push people to the ground, tell insults, and to top it off your a playboy," she breathes.
"You don't know what it was like when I wrote you letters everyday, and called and texted. I didn't receive a single thing Adrien. And then when you showed up, you pushed me to the ground and insulted me, sounds like a great friendship right," her voice is cracking and I feel guilt.
"I'll change Mari, I'll become better," I need her back to the princess I once knew. She wipes her tears before starting again, "I thought I knew you, but a person changes a lot in 11 years, good bye Adrien," she pulls her wrist free and walks away out of my sight.
The photo shoot guys walk in with their stuff and set it up. I feel hollow, I need to prove that I can change. RING-RING my phone startled me and I see Natalie's number.
"Adrien one of your fathers friends from America has sent their son up to Paris. Your father has agreed to let them stay for the unknown amount of time. I'm just calling to let you know that the boy should arrive any minute now."
"Thank you," I quickly hang up and rush to start the shoot within the first 20 minutes a white limo pulls up to reveal my my fathers friends son. And it just so happens to be one of my good friends.

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