Dancing In The Dark

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Time skip: 2 weeks (1 and 1/2 weeks from Christmas)

     Envy. I haven't felt that emotion in a long time. But now it's the only thing I can feel.
Winter break officially started. School originally got out yesterday, but I'm at the school doors with Liam. He had called and asked Marinette to go on a date with him. He had planned to go to the Eiffel Tower with Marinette. He had a dinner all planned, music that he asked me to play on the piano. He said they would eat and he would hire someone to bring a piano, and after dinner they would dance with the stars as I played the piano. In all honesty I was rusty with my piano. I haven't played in a couple months but everything about the instrument was painted in my mind. My mother had taught me how to play. In America my piano was my only friend until Liam came along.
"Adrien...where you listening."
"Sorry Liam, I was lost in thought, could you repeat everything," I begged.
"So, I have the dinner with Mari planned, but I can only stay for dinner, I have to head over to Chloe's for a dinner that I completely forgot about," he was pacing, looked stressed.
"I'll have to cancel my dinner Adrien, and I can't do that to Mari."
"Why don't you have your dinner with Mari and while you eat I play the piano, you won't get to have your special dance but you have music and then you can go to your dinner thing at Chloe's," I try to reason, I just really want to apologize.
"That sounds good, will you walk her home for me. I'm on a tight schedule."
"Of course," it will give me a chance to apologize.
"Hey Liam, can I ask you a question?"
"Yes, you don't have to ask."
"Are you and Mari...dating?"
"Well I would like to say yes, but no, we're more of friends with benefits. I plan to ask her to be my girlfriend on Christmas, why do you ask?"
"Idk." Lie of course I have a reason.
"Well we better go home or we'll be late," he excitedly started to pull us to my house.

I was standing with Mari as she pulled dresses from her closet. She couldn't decide, said she had to look perfect. I had never seen her look more excited. I was proud of her, glad she found someone, glad that Adrien was to afraid to go near us.
"Nino what dress do I choose?"
"How about the black and red one," that was my favorite. It was plain and simple but elegant. It was all black with a red ribbon around the waist. Mari had designed it herself. She designed it twirl when she danced and stay still when she moved.
She had grabbed her dress and changed in the bathroom. I decided that her hair would be curled and left down. She didn't where any makeup except for some mascara and red lip stick. Her shoes were simple black flats.
"Mari, you look lovely."
"I just want it to be perfect," she whispered.
"It will trust me."
The knock interrupted us. We walked down the stairs and I saw Liam. He was very nicely done. He wore a tux with a blue tie.
"Pumpkin you look beautiful," he blushed bright.
"You don't look bad yourself," Mari blushed, but it wasn't visible.
"Shall we?" They turned and waved and left. After they left I said my goodbyes and went off to my own home.

I was very excited. The limo ride was quiet. When I saw the Eiffel Tower I grew excited. The limo stopped and Liam helped me out. At the bottom of the Tower there was a table with with flowers and dinner that was still steaming. There were lights strung and in the corner there was a piano with someone playing music. The music was relaxing.
Liam led me over to our dinner. We talked here and there but my mind was never in the conversation but my mind was in the music. The song was calm and would speed into a clash of notes. Like if there were no problems but then a problem came up. The music always seemed to be clashing. There would be times when it seemed like people were talking but then one person would leave and then it was a like a whole new problem started.
"Pumpkin, That is why I must leave."
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that," I had no idea what he said.
"I was invited to a dinner with my cousin Chloe and if I don't leave now I'm gonna be late," he smiles, trying to hide his frown.
"Oh... ok I'm just gonna stay a while longer."
"Sounds like a plan, don't worry Adrien will walk you home."
Before I could say anything he left and I sat there with the piano player playing music. I didn't realize but a single tear had slid down my face. Liam left me to go see Chloe.

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