Your Back

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He was back. The boy I had been praying to return for years. I was ecstatic. What if he remembered me, what if he missed me? Thousands of questions were running through my mind. I wanted to know how America was for him, what he did. But my questions were answered quickly.
"How was America," Lila started the conversation and almost immediately Chloe backed off, almost as if she was scared. Lila had quickly moved and for the first time in forever I saw Adrien for the first time. He had black skinny jeans with white high tops, and he had a white V-neck with a black leather jacket. His hair was pushed back and he kept running his hands through it. This wasn't the boy I once knew, the little boy with the cat jacket pretending he could save the day. This wasn't the old Adrien. Stepping out of the car Adrien had replied to Lila, "Nothing has changed since the last time you and Chloe visited."
His voice was charming...almost to charming.
"How's your girlfriend,"
"Her she was a bitch just like all the other. And besides I don't date, I play the game of heartbreak."
All three of them were laughing, hunched over as if it was the funniest thing they had all heard. I could tell that they were all good friends, but Lila and Adrien had a stronger friendship.
I had been gaping at the reunion that I didn't notice the warning bell. The school starting bell had immediately gone off and the noise shattered everyone's train of thought. The few students that still remained outside had rushed past leaving the four of us. I turned my attention back to the three but as I turned around I found them right in front of me, glaring, snickering.
     "Damn, that is the ugliest sweater I have ever seen," Adriens voice was crisp and deep, sinister.
     " I know right, but what would you expect from a bakers daughter Adrien," Chloe sighed.
     "Your right, there's nothing to expect from her."
     I stared at them in shock, as they kept laughing among themselves. I always expected those words from Chloe and Lila but not Adrien. His words stung deeper, it was like they slowly cut a hole in my heart. What was I thinking. A person does change a lot in 11 years. I hadn't noticed but a single tear slid down cheek and captured all their attention.
     "Look...bakery girl don't get upset with the truth, just except that we, the rich kids, are better then you, and also I have a class to get to," that's what's he said while he shoved me to the ground. This time I landed on my butt and it hurt like hell. My face was covered in tears. But they still walked up the stairs and giggled with one another. But something strange caught my eye, Adrien was staring at my wrist before he shook his head and walked inside. My tears felt like they were drowning me; my thoughts were telling me to go inside but my body told me to go home. Standing up harshly I ran blindly home ignoring my parents and fell to bed crying my heart out. How could someone be so rude and cruel. This wasn't the Adrien I once knew.

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