Lost and Found

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     Class had started nearly 15 minutes ago and Mari should've been here by now. I know she's always late but it pretty unusual for her to disappear, I had seen her this morning looking lost but I brushed it off. She never skips or does anything like that unless it's really bad or something happened. Class was going really slow and we were learning about something I didn't really care about. The classroom was very quiet, considering Lila and Chloe haven't been seen either. What if they did something to Mari? I know that their "female dogs" but they wouldn't stoop that low, would they? I don't even know why I'm questioning them, OF COURSE they would stoop that low. They've always been rude to Mari. It's gotten worse since Alya left. Alya was always there for Mari and I was kinda like their tag along. But then Lila did something really bad to Alya, and almost right after the conflict Alya moved away. Haven't heard from her since, but that was 5 years ago. So I've taken over the "Alya" role.
     Over the past 5 years I've heard Mari talk about everything Lila and Chloe have done to her. I've seen millions of waterfalls cried every night and make-up in the morning to cover the damage. Mari was like a porcelain doll, you had to handle her with care, or she would shatter to the ground. But Mari is strong, has a forgiving heart, and is willing to forgive Chloe and Lila. Even though they have done terrible things to her, including of; bullying, slaps, shoves to the ground, harassment, name calling, and a lot of other stuff.
     After 40 minutes the door jingled and there stood the "female dogs" and a dude. Every ones attention focused to the dude. He was attractive, but what lowered him was the fact that Chloe and Lila were clinging to him and he didn't have a problem with it.
     "Well I wasn't expecting to come to class so late," Mrs. Bustier gave a kind smile, which was returned with a well practiced smile, "Sorry, I didn't realize I was so late."
     "It's alright...Adrien that's your name right?"
     "The one and only," My mind all of the sudden started working, and this Adrien was who Chloe and Lila wouldn't shut up about, they said he was rich, and a model for his fathers fashion company. His smile was flirtatious, and many people were swooning. Adrien kept winking, and smiling at all the girls. Player. I've seen one to many of them. "Female dogs" that's what they all are.
     "Adrien, why don't you go sit next to Nino," no matter his can't be happening. I replied smoothly taking of my hat, "Mrs. Bustier, Marinette sits here," I made sure to smile to look like a gentleman. "How silly of me I forgot, so for the time being," she glanced around before looking back over, "You can sit with Lila and Chloe, their right behind Nino."
Great. Gotta listen to rich boy all day and his two girlfriend. I watched as they slowly made their way over and sat down. The lesson started up almost immediately and the entire rest of the day I had to deal with Adrien flirting with Chloe and Lila the entire day. He kept telling them that they were beautiful and dumbfounding.
But what worried me the most was that Mari hadn't showed up all day. When the bell finally rang releasing all students I sprinted to Mari's house. The bakery air was warm and comforting, Tom and Sabine were busy with customers but when they saw me they waved me over.
"Thank goddess your here, Mari is up in her room crying and she won't tell us what's wrong,"
Mari was...crying, but for what. She didn't deserve this, what on earth happened.
" Is it alright if I head up?" I asked, worry present in my voice. They nodded and I jogged up the stairs to the trap door. Knocking softly before entering, I found Mari sitting over her sketchbook crying. Taking swift movements I went over to Mari and kneeled next to her. She gave me a soft smile before I gave her a comforting hug. No one would hurt my Mari.

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