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     "Pumpkin it's me can I come in," Hearing Liam's voice is shot up. Mari sleeps soundly beside me.
     "Mari, Liam is here," I whisper silently. She stirs before rising and rubbing her eyes.
    "Liam's here," with that she sits up from her sleeping position. She throws a blanket over me and tells me to shush. She walks to the trap door and opens it I quickly duck and listen to their conversation.
     "How was the rest of your night pumpkin?"
     "It was good, Adrien kept his promise and walked me home."
     "That's great pumpkin, I was wondering if you would like to go to the park with me, we could watch the snow," he sounds hopeful and I'm just waiting for the bombshell.
     "I'm sorry Liam but I have plans with my boyfriend."
     "Boyfriend," he whispers.
     "Yes I have a boyfriend."
3rd person
     The sight in the bedroom was quite the sight. Adrien peeked out of the covers looking at the sight below. Liam was halfway through the trap door staring at the steps below him. Mari was just standing there looking at him the Adrien.
     Liam looked up sharply, "What is his name?"
     "I beg your pardon."
     "I would like to know his name before I leave."
     "I only came back to Paris for you but if your heart what's someone else than I won't fight. I'll call my jet and leave."
     No words were said just silence Liam already knew who she had fallen for. Adrien. He knew they loved each other. When Liam hung out with Mari it was all she talked about. He somewhat set the dinner up for them. He knew about his dinner with Chloe. He just didn't expect the heartbreak to hurt so bad.
     Liam cupped Mari's face gently and moved the hair from her neck.
     "Is it Adrien."
     Liam glanced over the room and found Adriens tie on a chair.
     "Mari I'll miss you."
    "I'll miss you too Liam."
    "Before I go I want you to have this," he pushed his bag forward.
     "Just open it when your ready."
     Mari nodded her head slowly, Liam gave her one last hug before he turned and left. Once he was gone Mari stood still and watched her best friend leave. Adrien walked behind her and gave her hug. They agreed to meet in the park later.

     I can't believe he left just like that he left. But he was glad that I was happy. I saw Adrien standing at the park entrance. He was drawing in the snow.
     I packed a snowball together and threw it at him. He reacted faster than I thought he would and I was sprinting around the park while snowballs were flying everywhere. And eventually I was tackled to the ground.
     "Princess your under Agreste."
     "Kitty you have the worst puns," I giggled.
     "Their cat-tastic."
     He let me up and we walked around Paris. I received many dirty looks but the worst was when we saw Chloe and Lila. They stared but didn't walk up to us. We kept walking until we reached the mall. We walked into almost every store. If a saw something Adrien bought it so I did the job of window shopping.

Christmas (I want to write about Christmas)

      I walked over to Mari's she invited me over. I had met her parents before but that went wrong. I had went over about a week ago and fixed everything. The bakery air was warm and crisp. The smell of cinnamon floated around the room.
     I was ingulfed into a hug and Mari had dragged me to the living room. The family sat around the tree. I saw Nino and he just gave a silent smile.
     "Thanks for inviting me Mari."
     "Of course kitten. Open your present."
    I took the presents and slowly unwrapped the ribbon. I saw the coolest thing ever. It was a cat sweater, with cat ears.
    "Mari your gonna regret this, I got so many cat puns to use," she laughed and I pushed the present I got her over to her. She slowly opened the present and gasped. It was another charm bracelet. It was the infinity symbol diamond encrusted. Christmas was then spent with puns and jokes that Mari rolled her eyes over. This was truly one of my favorite Christmas.

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