I'm back

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"Come along Adrien, the limo is waiting for us."
"But mommy, my suitcase is to heavy, I can barely pull it."
"Use your muscles, daddy's waiting in the car, if we don't hurry we won't get to see the new house."
"But mommy, I want to go back to Paris, no America."
"America will be swell, it will be just like Paris."
"But there no Marinette."
End of flashback

One Week Ago
Paris. 11 years ago I was standing in this very same place. Except then I was leaving and now I'm returning. I couldn't remember anything about Paris, except for a girl and a bakery. I couldn't remember the girl but I could clearly remember the bakery. It was painted clearly in my mind. I originally planned to visit, but I had to go model by the Eiffel Tower.
America. That's been my home for 11 years. America wasn't my favorite place. The first two years I spent missing the girl. And the next two years my mother disappeared and didn't take me with her. Father turned cold and only saw me as a pawn for more money. When I reached my first year in high school, I was pulled into the wrong type of group. I was a popular kid, probably because I was the biggest teen "superstar." My group was like a escape for me. They helped shape me into the player I am today. I date every hot chick, play with their emotions and crush their heart.
     But Paris, it's like a new level in my game. And I just can't wait to get play.

     I've already got Chloe and Lila wrapped around my finger and some other girls, but I don't care about any of them. Now that I think about there's not really a lot of attractive girls at this school. And all the guys back away when I'm around. Everyone knows that I am the king, and that I hate to be messed with. So in all honesty I love Paris. Except for that girl I shoved down the stairs and that Nino dude, I hate both of them. They just didn't understand that rich doesn't mingle with poor. Well they both had to learn one way.
     Slinging my coat over my shoulder I start towards my limo. Time to home, deal with my shitty dad and then go to the all to familiar bakery. The limo ride was quiet and not even Natalie asked how my day was. Bitch. That's what she is. The ride when quickly and before I know it I'm in my room showering and getting ready to go. I have to make a good impression on the girl I haven't seen in 11 years. Drying my hair I go through my closet and settle on black jeans, a white v-neck, a black zip-up jacket, and quickly I brush my hair back. Sprinting back to the bathroom I grab my necklace. It ain't just any necklace it's has three charms on it: My favorite animal, and the girls favorite bug, and the only thing my mom left. There's a cat paw, ladybug, and my moms blue and green wedding ring. She left it, and dad didn't want it. He said it was to painful to remember her. Finally clasping the necklace I start for door and leave.
     The path to the bakery is printed in my mind. The bakery hasn't changed at all. Just like the day I left it. I'm currently nervous and standing across the street fidgeting with my hands, until I see Nino walkout looking frustrated. The street was empty and I guickly sprint over which grabs his attention. Putting on the player disguise I start to talk, "Didn't know you had a sweet tooth," he roles his eyes, " Just shut the fudge  up," he's screaming now and man does he sound pissed.
     "Did I do something wrong?" I can't help but smirk at how stupid I sound. 
     "Ya you did something wrong...YOU JUST WRONGED THE GIRL THATS BEEN PRAYING FOR GOD DAMN 11 YEARS," the feeling of intimidation starts to set in and I'm pressed against the wall with Nino poking my chest while he spats, "Don't pretend to be hotshot because your no where near that, and if you fucking say or do anything to Mari you'll have another problem to deal with." I watch as he storms across the street, while also typing something into his phone. 
     I couldn't process what he said, a girl who prayed? For what? The question leaves my mind and I strut into the bakery almost everyone turns to stare. And before I know it I'm covered in girls which I don't mind. Walking over to the counter I see a man and a woman, most likely their married. The fan girls slowly go away and I'm standing there purchasing a macaroons. They lady and man make the bakery feel warm and homey.
     "Mama,Papa what's all the fuss."
     I turn and see the girl I pushed down the stairs and said hurtful things too. She stares at me until her eyes land on my necklace. I feel a little embarrassed until she starts to sniffle and brings her hand up to wipe her tears. My eyes catch the charm bracelet, and I realize she was the girl I remembered from 11 years ago. Everything Nino said now makes sense. I wronged her, I said hurtful things, and pushed her down the stairs.
     Her voice is small and fragile, "Get out."
      "I said GET OUT."
     I turn and leave and wonder if I could fix what happened. What a great way to reunite.

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