Its Been So Long

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Liam Johnson. Haven't spoken to him since I left for America. He bid me farewell at the airport and said that we would meet again.
Liam never changed still the same man. Always lets his brown hair fall naturally. Always dressed casual and never went anywhere without his bag. I've only seen what's inside the bag once, it drawings and ideas for his company that he already started. He owns a small designing company but around 3 yeas ago his company boosted and his family is the richest designer company in America.
I remember we met when I was 10. I thought he was a disgrace to the rich word. He wore glasses and had braces, and the most ugliest sweaters I had ever seen. I took him under my wing and turned him into another me. He got contacts and changed to skinny jeans and v-necks, but he would never get rid of that bag.
I held in a laugh as his bag got caught in the car. He stumbled before falling. The idiot picked his stuff up and waved his driver away. I immediately ditched the photo shoot and strutted over.
"Liam get your ass over here!"
"Why don't you just shut up and wait," his voice sounds strained as he continues to ramble on about something. I stare silently with a smug grin across face as he walks over.
"So fuckboy, how's Paris? How many girls did ya bang?" He smirks.
"Not a single girl, only got 2 wrapped around my finger..." I pause waiting before continuing, "Lila and your cousin Chloe." His expression changes to disgusted and I finally laughed.
" GOD. Why those two bitches? But really Chloe, of all people, you chose Chloe," he questions.
"Their both rich and sexy," I shrug my shoulders.
"Typical Adrien, lets just get this photoshoot done with so I can go take care of some unfinished business."
Nodding we her over and do our poses. Dads gonna make more money with two models doing the job.

Paris. I was here around 18 months ago. And I always dreamed of coming back. When I was here for those 18 months I stayed with my cousin Chloe. She's a bitch and I hate her, but she also hated me so we never really talked. I stayed in Paris for 2 months only so I could study fashion. In all honesty I didn't really learn a lot. My mind always drifted off to something else. Something I never finished. That I needed to finish.
In America people would ask why I stayed with playboy Adrien. I don't really know why I decided to be friends with him. His mom left and I was lonely so I decided to try and make it work. We became great friends fast but he never once's mentioned Paris or his old life to me. I never asked and I decided to just leave it.
Adrien has a nice house. It's a little to big for my taste but if it suits Adrien than that's great.
"Liam would you like to catch up?" Adriens golden voice ask and I feel rude for shooting him down, "I'm sorry Adrien, I have some unfinished business I need to attend to, you could accompany me if you would like?" I ask politely. It would be awkward if he came along I planned to do this bye myself but if he wants to come then he can.
"Sure, I'll tag along," he lowers his head just a bit.
"Ok. Just let me change and then we can leave," running up to my room I change into my white vans with my favorite pair of black jeans. My shirt is just a simple red V-neck and I grab my signature coat. It's handmade and I received it in Paris. The coat is a clash of colors including of, red, white, and black then on the right side on my chest is my first and last name hand stitched. In the hood the signature of the creator is small and can't be seen from afar. Running my hand through my hair I grab my bag and rush down the stairs.
"Ready to go Adrien," he was taking pictures and posting them on Instagram.
"Ya, just lead the way and I'll follow."
I start for the door and decide to walk with Adrien. We talk about life and all the girls Adrien banged. He asks how I've been handling the ladies. In all honesty I don't really care for the girls except for only a few.
The walk was quiet and we reached my destination. Adrien freezes.
"Why are you so tense?" He stares at me and for a moment I think he's gonna cry but he snaps back, "I just have bad memories here, let's just get this thing over with," I don't question he seems upset.
As I walk in the fresh smell of home baked goods hit my nose and I feel as if I never left. The counter is packed with people, most likely here for Christmas treats. Then my eyes catch someone.
"TOM," I somewhat say rather loudly.
"Liam Johnson, is that really you?"
"Yes Mr.Dupain-Cheng it really is me," right after that people start to swarm me but I forcefully make my way to Tom.
"Good day Mr.Dupain-Cheng it's been awhile," I can feel people tugging at my jacket and bag and I pull my bag close.
"Liam I told you to call me Tom," his voice is sweet.
"Of course, Tom," I laugh at how nervous I feel.
"How's America, how is life?"
" If you beg my pardon sir I was wandering were Marinette is, I promise we can catch up," I look at him with pleading eyes.
"She's up in her room but be careful, your rich Adrien friend did something and she only told Nino about it."
"I'll be careful Tom and I'll talk to Adrien. I'll let you get back to work."
"Thanks Liam."
I walk over to Adrien and the fan girls come back.
"I need to run upstairs," my voice is stern but also soft.
"I'll stay here with the girls," He wriggles his eyebrows and kisses some of the girls on the cheek.
Rolling my eyes I start for the stairs. Slowly walking up I pass the "home area" and continue up the stairs to Marinettes trap door. Knocking a couple times I wait.
"Come in," she sounds hurt.
Pushing open the trapdoor I see Marinette sitting at her desk drawing in her sketchbook. Her posture is slouched and she's in her pajamas with an empty tub of ice cream on the floor.
"Who is it?" She sniffles.
"Pumpkin you cat get rid of me that easily," I smirk at how Adrien I sound but my spirit lifts when I see her.
Marinette jumps from her seat with tears in her eyes. She stands for a second and I open my arms waiting for her. The impact from her running into me shocks me but I help steady us. I stare at her while the heat rushes to my cheeks. My right hand stays on her waist while my left one travels up to her chin. Slowly lifting her chin with my hand I look into her deep bluebell eyes.
"I missed you Pumpkin," I gave her that nickname when I was in Paris. It was around Halloween the first time I came. We were carving pumpkins and then we started to throw the pumpkin guts at each other and that is were she got the name. She was my first friend, my first best friend, and the first girl I fell in love with.
"I missed you too Romeo," my nickname comes from my love for plays.
She stares back at my brown eyes. I have a million questions for her and she probably has a million question for me. But right now it's just us. Just us in this world.
Looking at her eyes one more time, I lean down and connect our lips. She doesn't pull away and she kisses back. I can't help but smile. I've waited far to long to kiss those lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey guys its me again. So just to clarify Liam is my OC. The picture above is what he looks like (The art is NOT mine and I give full credit to the person who drew it). In my opinion I think Liam is very cute and good for Mari.
Later on I'm gonna have to decide on Adrien or Liam. I'm gonna ask you all to vote later on.
~Thanks Guys HatersGonnaHate888

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