Chapter 1

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Bam! Down goes me on the concrete ground and my books going everywhere. This happens everyday. I'm surprised I'm still not used to it. I looked up to see why I fell.

I shouldn't be surprised because it's the same reason every day. Jermaine Jackson tripping me or pushing me. Either way I'm down on the ground every day when walking into school. "Hey geek!" Jermaine yelled and kicked me to the ground when I tried to get up. "Having fun being the biggest loser in this school?" Jermaine asked and the boy next to him that I'm assuming to be his brother giggled.

"Wait I've got one, was your girlfriend upset when she found out that you were a low life?" The boy asked me and Jermaine laughed. I chuckled. "You know I didn't know that this school has an open door for pricks like the both of you." I said in a smart tone. Both of them looked at each other confused and I got up and tried to pick up my shit so That I can escape. But then they stepped right in front of me.

Shit. "Where do you think you're going?!" The boy yelled out and pushed me to the ground again. My books went all over the place again. Both him and Jermaine started kicking me in my rib cage. "Hey! Both of you stop that right away!" I heard a feminine voice scream out.

They both looked over and as soon as they saw a tall women with caramel skin, long brunette hair, brown eyes, and dressed in a white button down shirt and dark green skirt. They ran away instantly. "Yeah you better run! Mother is going to kill you both when I tell her about this!" She shouted as they were running away. She walked towards me helped me up and helped me pick up my books.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that, I can take the pain." I told her as she was handing me my books. She shook her head instantly. "No. Nobody deserves that, especially pretty girls like you." She told me. I just nodded. "Do you know them?" I questioned.

"Yeah, they're my brothers. I'm sorry about them." She told me. I just nodded with my eyes wide. "My name is La Toya by the way, I'm the new intern here." She introduced herself and we quickly shook hands. "My name is Lily." I told her. We walked into the building and I found out that she was the intern for my first class.

I sat down and was isolated in thoughts of what just happened.


I was sitting in class feeling sad and guilty. Why did I do that to that girl? That girl that, I've never even seen before. But I had the audacity to harass her in such a way. She probably feels pretty low about herself already.

I just made it even worse. I don't know what to do. I'm obviously going to get my ass beat when I get home. But maybe I deserv it. The bell rang and it was the end of the day. I went to my locker and put my text book back in there. My older sister La Toya walked by and I shut my locker.

"La Toya!" I called out. She looked over at me annoyed. "Can you give me a ride home?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "What?!" I yelled out angrily.

"How the hell am I supposed to get home then?!" I yelled. "Walk home bitch." She said then walked away. Fuck. She always annoys the shit out of me.

That same girl that I bullied today walked passed me faster than a leopard. But I noticed something about her. There is just something about her that made her beautiful. I don't know what it was. She just captivated me.

I started walking, but I was low key following her.


After school everyday I go to the library. I work there. It pays well and it's peaceful. I got in there quickly because it was only a few blocks away from my school. Then my house was just four blocks away from there as well.

It's like I live in a buble. I open the door to the library and put my coat on the coat rack. I saw a whole cart with my name it. I had to put these books back. I dragged the cart over to the classics section first.

I started putting most of them back. I knew this library like the back of my hand. I know where every book goes too. Call me a book worm, I don't care. I felt someone standing behind me and leaning over the shelf.

I didn't bother to look at them because I was so focused on what I was doing. "Can I get your opinion on these books?" The boy asked. Though I could tell it was a boy speaking to me, his voice was sort of high pitched and feminine. "Ask away." I answered still putting the books back.

"Catcher in the rye?" He began. "One of the best books I've ever read." I replied happily. "1984?" He continued. I shook my head. "Probably my least favorite, only because I'm not the biggest fan of dystopia." I told him. "Fahrenheit 451?" He asked.

"No other book is more important than that one. That's the only dystopia book I like because it deals with a major problem." I replied. "Me?" He finally questioned. "I don't know who you are." I answered. "Look up here." He ordered. I looked up at him.

Holy shit, no! It can't be him again. That other boy I saw with Jermaine. He gave me a light smile. Blood started boiling in me.

I was just angry and scared. I threw the book that I had in my hands right at him. It hit his face hard. Then I just started speed walking across the library. When I got to the door I grabbed my coat and my book bag. Then I just ran as fast as I could back home.

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