Chapter 13

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I walk back and forth through the hallway of the hospital with nothing but Lily on my mind. I am absolutely terrified at the moment and time seems to be moving so slow. I really do just need to breath and relax for a moment. I can sense a few people behind me. I turn to see my mother and father, whom I have to call Joseph.

I hugged mother as tightly as I could and cried on her shoulder. "I'm sorry I know this is very embarrassing for you two." I sobbed. "No sweetheart it's alright." Mother said and I took a step back from her. I wiped away my tears with the back of my hands. "I'm scared. What if she doesn't wake up?" I worried.

"You should just trust the doctors. They know what they're doing." She told me touching my shoulder. I don't know if I can. Lily might die. If she does, then she would die for me. I cannot live with that for the rest of my life.

She's the love of my life and I can't live without her. I cry at the thought of that. Her getting shot or us being in that situation was the least of my concerns this morning or even the day before today. Because this isn't supposed to fucking happen when you're a teenager! Everything right now is my fault.

Why isn't anyone mad at me for my mistake? I am so angry with myself. "Michael, I have to tell you something." Joseph began and I raised an eyebrow at him. All he ever talks to me about is business. What the fuck does he want now?

"I am really sorry about your girlfriend or whatever she is, but the tour starts tomorrow so we're leaving." He revealed. I strongly hate this man. Why would he do this and not take into consideration what I am going through? I began to cry once again. "Joseph no. You can't do that, Lily needs me." I ranted. "You don't have a choice we're leaving tomorrow!" He raised his voice.

"I'm not leaving. I love Lily more than I love touring so I'm staying." I argued back. Joseph moved up inches close to me and grabbed my shirt. I'm not afraid of this asshole. We just eyed one another until he decided to let go of me. At this moment I thought of a plan.

I'm going to attempt to compromise with him. "Give me three days. I have never asked you for anything in my seventeen years of being alive. Please just give me three days with her." I begged. Joseph rolled his eyes and shook his head, but mother quickly placed her hand on his upper arm. "Joe I think that's fair." She spoke up. He glanced over at her and then at me.

"Alright, fine. But I better see you in Los Angeles on Friday." He demanded then walked away and dragged mother along with him. I feel much sympathy for her. I can't imagine how she deals with him. A young man with a white lab coat on approached me. I stared into his dark green eyes desperate for an answer.

"Hi. The operation is complete and she's going to be just fine. She's sleeping right now but you're welcome to see her." The doctor explained. My whole entire heart smiled. I can't believe it. I hugged this man and he laughed. Then I ran into the room which Lily was staying in.

She seemed to be in great peace when I see her sleeping. I smile at the thought of her being secure. I sat down on the side of the bed and stroked her head for a minute. Then I placed a kiss on her forehead. "Hi baby." I whispered knowing that she can't hear me.

Only until a pair of dark blue eyes became visible to me.


I open my eyes unaware of my surroundings. There are bright lights in a colorless room. "Hey Lily." I heard a soft voice greet me. I smile as soon as I lock my eyes on a beautiful man I call my boyfriend. "Hi." I replied.

I'm still highly confused as to where I am. "Am I in heaven?" I joked. He softly giggled at my question. "No babygirl you're in a hospital." He replied. I nodded replying replyingly.

"Can I lay with you?" He requested. I nodded and scooted over to give him some space. He laid down and wrapped his arms around my waist. "How are you feeling?" He asked me in a soothing voice. "I feel fine." I told him. "That's good. Hey baby, I have something to tell you. I'm really hurt by this and I wish that there was something that I could do. I have to leave in three days and I won't be back for a while." He  explained to me teary eyed. My eyes were beginning to swell.

"Don't cry babygirl." He soothed and hugged her. He stroked the back of my head. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "Don't be sorry baby." He replied and I buried my face into his neck. A knock came to the wall and we both turned. "Am I interrupting?" Randy questioned with roses in his hands. "Randy!" I yelled happily.

He smiled and walked over and handed me the bouquet of roses. "How are you?" He asked me. "I'm good." I said. He kissed the top of my head. Michael eyed Randy and then Randy took a step away.

That's when Randy knew, that he needed to stop. But I was ok with it because Randy is my friend and I'm comfortable with him. "Hey Randy, can you get Lily a glass of water?" Michael request. He nodded silently then walked away. "Baby you have no idea how badly I'm going to miss you. I have no idea what I will do without you." He cried.

I touched Michael's hand and he stared at me intently. "Mike, we have three days. Let's just make the best out of it." I suggested.

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