Chapter 5

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One month later

Life has been hard this past month. I know it sounds stupid, but it's true. I don't have any friends anymore. Randy won't talk to me. It doesn't matter then I guess. But I'm sad because he was such a good friend. Michael has been making eye contact with me all the time and I always look away. I don't know how I feel about him now. It was scary to find out they were fighting over me. It made me feel very guilty. It was all my fault. I get upset every day. I'm at school all alone. I went to my locker to get my books for the last class of the day. Study hall. Randy and I made eye contact. He rolled his eyes then closed his locker and left. A tear went down my right eye. I grabbed the book I was currently reading and walked to the library. I sat at a table in a corner all alone.

I started reading. Four chapters later, I felt a shadow in front of me. I didn't bother to look up because I was so intrigued by the book I was reading. They sat down in a chair. "Hey Lily." He greeted and I looked up. Michael. I was wide eyed and breathing heavily. I don't know why but I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Then I started breathing slowly. "How are you?" He asked in a calm tone. "I'm ok." I replied shyly. "Are you ok?" He asked nervously. I nodded slowly. We stared at each other for a moment. Then I looked down. "I have a question, you know about prom right?" He questioned. I'm nervous now.

I have a feeling that I know what he's going to ask. I hope he doesn't though. I nodded nervously. "If you don't have a date to prom, would you like to go with me?" He asked nervously. I looked up at him wide eyed. I got up pushed my chair in and walked away. "Lily wait." He said. I ran out of the library and into the hallway. I stopped at the end of the hallway and saw that Michael didn't follow me. I sat down and just started crying my eyes out. I don't know why. Maybe it's because the boy that ruined the best friendship that I had just asked me to prom. No. My answer is no.

I was just having a mental break down. I buried my face into my knees. Then I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked up with a red face and my eyes blood shot red. I saw La Toya standing over me. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked worried and sat down next to me. I wiped my eyes. "I got asked to the prom." I revealed trying to calm down. She gave me a small smile. "Oh my gosh that's great! Why are you upset?" She said. "Michael asked me." I told her. She sighed then she just hugged me tightly.

La Toya

I felt really bad for Lily. She already went through a lot. Randy was an asshole for abandoning her. Nobody seems to care about her. She doesn't deserve that. So from this moment I decided that I'm going to be the best friend that she's never had. I'm gonna be there for her. After getting her to calm down I stood up. The bell rang. "Do you need anything else?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Ok. Call me if you need anything." I told her. She nodded her head giving me a small smile and walked away. I walked over to Michael. "Come on Michael I'm taking you home." I ordered. He raised an eyebrow then shrugged.

We walked out into the parking lot and we got into my car. I turned the key and started the car. I started driving away. After a few minutes of complete silence, I knew I had to confront him. "You asked Lily to prom?" I interrogated. He started blushing. Then he nodded. "Why would you do that after what happened?!" I questioned. "What's the problem!  I want to go to prom with her!" He responded. "Did already ask any other girls?" I questioned. I know his history with girls and how much of a player he is. So it wouldn't surprise me if he's trying to mess with Lily too. "No! I really want to go to prom with her!" He yelled.

"I don't believe you. She was in the hallway crying." I informed. His facial expression changed. He was emotionless. "You don't understand, I have feelings for her." He told me. "Do you really?" I asked annoyed. He nodded. For the rest of the time we were arguing and screaming. Then I pulled into the driveway. "I don't care what you say La Toya! I'm going to prom with her!" He screamed getting our of the car and slammed the door shut. He flicked me off then he ran inside of the house.


I got home and thought long and hard about my prom proposal. Even though I already said no. I feel like he just asked me just to mess with me. Which I think is very cruel. I ran into my room and locked the door. I wanted to cry but I'm not going to cry. I'm gonna be strong now. I laid down on my bed and turned the TV on. There was a music video playing to a song with a very good beat. I watched the beginning of it. And I saw something weird. There were two people on there that looked oddly familiar. Holy shit! That's Michael and Randy!

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