Chapter 11

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No one is staring at you Lily. Absolutely no one will care about how you look as you walk out of the bathroom of Michael's small house. "Come on Lily we're going to be late!" Michael yelled through the door. I sighed as I am a nervous wreck at the moment. Shit.

Alright Lily, here you go. Walk out there and just enjoy yourself while you still can. I turned the doorknob, slowly and shyly I opened the door. A wave of nerves went down my spine as I walked out of that bathroom door. Michael spotted me at the end of the hallway.

Oh my. What is going to be his honest opinion about me in this dress which he chose? He bit his lip. I walked over to him shyly. There was one emotion that was different about him and I have never seen him in this way before.

I began to giggle at this sight. "Are you crying?" I agitated. He shook his head wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry. I just can't believe that the most beautiful girl in the world is with me." He stated. This really did warm my heart.

I knew that how Michael felt towards me was true. He is the only person who I know feels this way about me. I only need one person. I'm lucky and blessed to have him. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Let's go." He told me and grabbed my hand. We walked carefully toward the front door. "Stop right there!" I heard Michael's mother yell. Michael groaned as he turned his head over to his mother who looked very similar to him. "Yes mother?" He questioned her.

'"Remember the rules. No drinking and be home at eleven." She told the both of us. Michael rolled his eyes and I could tell that he was just so annoyed with her and he really did want to leave right at the moment. "Ok mother." He told her. She smiled, "Alright have fun you two." She stated as we both walked out and into Michael's car. I sat down and I even had to pull in the rest of my dress and squeeze it into the vehicle.

We began to be on our way to prom. I'm getting nervous by the minute. I grip Michael's hand as tightly as I possibly can. He giggled at my gesture. Five minutes later we both arrived at my shitty, shitty school.

Michael exited out of the car and had the decency to open the car door for me and to even hold his hand out for me. I smirked and grabbed his hand. He gently pulled me out and then we walked into the gymnasium. As soon as I walked in all eyes were locked on me and Michael. I became anxious and looked down as Michael continued to lead me to a table.
There was a table just for the two of us, considering that we were nominated for prom king and queen. In which is a major shocker. We both take a seat and I sigh as I sit down. Michael stares at me briefly. I don't know why he's doing that and it's kind of making me uncomfortable.

"Why do you keep on staring at me?" I laughed. "Because you're gorgeous." He smiled. I shook my head and laughed as I turned my head towards the front entrance. I felt anxious as I saw Randy walking into the room. I turned away as soon as he saw me.

Michael placed his hand on my arm. "Lily, go talk to him." He told me. I looked up at him and shyly shook my head. "He won't want to talk to me." I said. Michael sighed.

"Babe, he's your best friend. It's about time for you guys to make up again." Michael explained. I guess that he's correct. I really do just have to face the fear that I have been having for more than a month. I stood up and walked over to him as he was holding a plate near the food table. He immediately saw me and continued to look at me.

"Hey." I greeted him shyly. "Hi." He replied. We just stared at one another for about three minutes straight. All of a sudden he hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and returned the hug back to him. A few minutes after he separated from me. "You look beautiful." He complimented.

"Thank you. You look great as well." I responded. He smiled at me. "How have you been?" He asked me. "Alright I guess. Would've been better if I had my best friend with me." I told him. "Lily, you know that I'm always here. And I'm sorry. Friends?" He said and held out his hand.

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