Chapter 15

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Five days have gone by without Lily and I am loosing my fucking mind. I miss her so much and I have already written three letters to her. No response. I'm scared that she had moved on. I can't handle this at all.

I want to go back to Indiana. I have been debating on weather or not I should leave since yesterday. I can't leave. I promised that I would stay for the whole tour. Besides, I love to tour.

I'm definitely being sarcastic when stating that. I am thinking about all of this and I could cry at any moment. I'm not going to because the shower is no place to cry. "Michael! Fuck face! You have mail bitch!" Jackie yelled from the living room of the hotel. Did this ugly bitch say that I have mail?

Holy shit! It could be from Lily! I finally got a response from her. I need to know how she's doing, or if she's ok at least. Wait, I have soap in my hair.

Screw it, I need to know what's going on. I jumped out of the shower and wrap a white towel around my waist. I run to the bedroom of the hotel suite we were staying in and Jackie placed the envelope on my bed. I sit down and observe the envelope which was addressed to me. The return address said the most important name in the world to me.

I ripped the envelope open at the top and took out a piece of paper. Butterflies began to fill my stomach. The letter said:

I want you to know that I am doing great and I have recovered successfully. But I still have a large scar along my chest so that kind of sucks. There's something that I have to tell you. I miss you so much already and I will always love you. Although, you and I both know that this long distance relationship will not work as much as we try. I can't do it. I'm so sorry but I have to return the ring to you. We can still keep in touch in a friendly manner for as long as you want. But with all of that said, it's over. - Lily"

I felt that I had my heart stomped on. I was dying on the inside. I shook the envelope and the expensive gold ring fell into the palm of my hand. I began to sob then and there. I regret going on this tour.

This was all my fault. Jackie walked over and hugged me tightly. "It's ok Mikey." He tried to calm down. He's fucking insane to think that. "No Jackie it's not. I just lost the love of my life forever!" I screamed as I continued to cry. "Hey. Think about it this way, you were fine before you met her, and you're going to be fine without her." He told me. I just pushed him away and made my way back to the bathroom. Before then, I threw the ring into a currently burning fireplace. I grabbed my journal and closed the door to the bathroom. I dated the page in the last remaining pages and began to poetically speak my mind. She's out of my life. She's out of my life.

Seven years later, 1984


"Kristen, you're beautiful and I wish you great success - Lily" I wrote on the cover a book which I am so proud to call my own. I look up at the beautiful Ginger and smile. "Have a fantastic day." I tell her as she walks away. I stare back down at the table protected with a black table cloth. I picked up a new gold marker because my previous one ran out of ink at the very last minute.

The next person in line hands me their copy of my novel. But something was off about this person. To start they had on a white glove with crystals covering it. "Hey you." This man with a slightly feminine voice greeted. I knew this voice, it's just been so long since I have heard it.

I shot up to see a face that I never thought I would ever see again. Michael smiled timidly at me. He appeared so much differently than the last time I saw him. But he was still just as gorgeous as I remembered him. I stood up and held out my arms for a hug.

We had a long lasting hug which I think lasted for about five minutes. "Hi how are you?!" I squealed excitedly. "I'm doing great. But damn, long time no see." He said scanning me up and down. I took a seat. "You look so beautiful." He complimented.

I blushed. I'm starting to remember everything that happened seven years ago with him. Those were the best weeks of my life. But it's the past now, and I can never have those feelings back. "Thank you." I said emotionless.

I scribbled my signature onto his book. "I read the book. I feel that's the best romance novel I have ever read. It makes me believe that love in the way you described it actually exists." He explained poetically. I rolled my eyes. I know what he's trying to do.

I'm not buying it by any chance. "Please stop flirting with me." I commanded in a low tone. He bit his lip. "Why not?" He annoyed annoyingly. "You're making me uncomfortable." I retorted.

"Oh. I'm sorry, but I'm going to try and do everything in my power to have you in my life again." He told me smoothly. I shot right up at him. I opened the book and laid eyes on the copyright page. I jotted down a little note to him then closed the book. "Please leave." I ordered as politely as I could.

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