Chapter 4

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When I got home all I could think about was Michael. I don't know what it was. I don't like him like that. Maybe it was because he was so kind to me. I set my book bag down and took my jacket off. I laid down on my twin size bed and sighed.

The phone rang in my room. I instantly sat up and picked it up off of my night stand. "Hello?" I answered like how you typically answer a phone when someone calls you. "Hey it's Randy." I heard Randy say. I figured it was probably Randy. He calls me every day. That was just a part of our daily routine. I never got annoyed with it because he's my best friend. Thirty minutes went by of telling jokes, making each other laugh, and talking about how much life just sucks asshole.

I heard a voice in the background. Then Randy telling them that he was talking to me. "I want to talk to her!" I heard them yell. Holy shit. Was that Michael? I heard the phone drop all of a sudden. Oh shit. Somethings wrong I can feel it. "Randy! Are you there?" I asked worried. Then I heard punching and kicking noises. No! That's it! "Randy I'm coming!" I yelled and hung up. I put on my jacket and ran out the door.


I was so mad that Randy wouldn't give me the phone to talk to Lily. He knows how I feel about her. He's trying to keep a boundary between us. Trying to keep her all to himself. Like she's his. No! I pulled the phone away from him and he pulled it back away from me. For about a minute we straight up had a whole tug a war. Then we both accidentally dropped the phone. I punched him in the face. Then he tackled me to the ground and pinned me down with his knee on my stomach. He started punching me in the face numerous times.

"Stay away from Lily!" He yelled punching me in between each syllable. I couldn't take the pain of the punches anymore. So I bit his arm. I actually bit him with all the strength my teeth had. He yelled in pain and rolled off of me. I saw that he had blood around his wrist. Damn. I bit this boy so hard that I made him bleed. I just ran. I rushed into the bathroom in the hallway. There was a bath tub filled with water. Janet was about to take a bath. I could tell because she had a white robe on. I picked her up under her arms and dragged her out of the room. "Mikey what the hell are you doing?!" She yelled in protest. "Sorry Janet. But world war three is about to happen." I told her. Randy pushed her out of the way and we were face to face with each other.

I grabbed a hand full of water and splashed it in his face. Then he got the cup that was in the corner of the tub and filled it. He poured it all over my head. I gave him an enraged facial expression. I got onto his back and pulled his head under water. I kept it under water for about thirty seconds. Then he pushed himself up. Shit. "You trying to kill me?!" He screamed. I ran out of the bathroom and he chased me into the kitchen. I went into the knife drawer and took out a butcher knife. He quickly grabbed the meat cleaver that was on the counter. "Ok I see how it is! Bring it on!" I yelled.


I ran all the way to Randy's house. That was the longest run ever. I was sweating like crazy and I probably lost fifteen pounds. I ran up his driveway an pounded on the front door. It opened. I made eye contact with the one and only Jermaine. He gave me a look disgusted. "What the fuck do you want? " He asked scanning me up and down. "Is Randy here? " I questioned irritated. "Yeah but you can't see him." He told me. "No! I have to see him!  Please Jermaine you have to let me in!" I begged. He shook his head. "No means no. Plus I wouldn't let him see a piece of shit like you." Jermaine replied. La Toya was walking by and stopped when she saw me.

"Jermaine quit being a bitch and let her in!" She ordered. Jermaine rolled his eyes and stepped aside. I ran in there and head straight to Randy's room. He wasn't in there. "Randy!" I yelled out. Jermaine stood in the doorway and giggled. "Why are you yelling? He's in the kitchen cooking with Michael." He told me. I groaned. "Where's the kitchen?" I questioned. He pointed towards the end of the hallway. "It's over there and to the left." He informed. I nodded and walked in there. I saw the most bizarre thing.

All I can think is, what the hell is going on. They were so focused on what they were doing that they didn't even realize I was standing right there jaw dropped. They both were sword fighting, with kitchen knives. What? I need to stop this before someone gets hurt. "Do you not understand, she's mine!" Michael yelled. Who was he talk about. "You mean nothing to her!" Randy screamed. Oh my gosh. I hope to god, that they are not fighting about me.

This would not be good. I hate seeing people fight like this. Especially brothers. Something happened that caught my attention. Randy made a position like he was going to stab Michael. I need to figure something out quickly. Ok. What I'm about to do may cause me and Randy's friendship to end. But that doesn't matter right now. "NO DONT!" I cried and tackled Randy which caused him to fall on the floor. A cut got on my arm in the process. Ouch. It only hurt for a few seconds. He pushed me off of him harshly and ran out of the room. Michael picked me up and sat me down on the counter. "What the hell just happened?" I questioned worried. He didn't respond and opened one of the cabinets. He got out wrapping tape and he wet down a white rag with warm water. He softly grabbed my arm with the huge cut on it. "Hold still." He commanded.

He placed the rag on my arm. I hissed at the pain. He started softly scrubbing my arm with it. When most of the blood was gone he put three bandages over it. Then he got out the tape and started wrapping my arm. I noticed something on his face. I grabbed his chin and turned his face to the left. "Your hurt too." I informed. He shook his head. "It's just a small cut, I'm fine." He said. "No you're not." I said. "I am Lily,  trust me." He said in a sincere tone. I nodded. I trust that he's ok. When he was done I got down from the counter. "Thank you." I told him. "Don't thank me." He demanded. I nodded shyly.

"So how did this come about?" I asked again. He shook his head and just hugged me tightly. I did the same and started rubbing his back. I could feel him sobbing on my shoulder. After about twenty seconds we stopped hugging. "Let's go for a walk." I told him. He nodded and we both walked out of the house. After a few minutes of walking, I asked him the exact same question that I've asked him already. He Turned around to face me. All of a sudden, he crashed his lips onto mine. No. I was not comfortable right now. I don't like Michael like this. How do I get out of this?

I stepped on his foot and used all of my strength to push him away. It worked. "Get off of me!" I screamed. He gave me an ashamed expression. I shook my head. "Stay away from me." I told him in a hostile tone.

Author's note : sorry this mightve been cheesy and poorly written. I just tried my best to make it interesting.  So I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and give me feedback. Love yall 💙

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