Chapter 20

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Days have gone by without even hearing from Michael. He's not coming back. I just have to except that he's only going to be a whore and that he's never going to love me. He only told me that just to get back at me for not writing back to him. Which I still regret to this day and I have never opened a single one because they all would've been so painful to read.

Isla runs into the room with a black dress in her hand. She smiles and crawls onto the bed. I smile at her then kiss her on the cheek. I love her and she means the world to me. I want nothing but the best for her. She hugged me as I got out of bed.

Today is another day and I need to go back to my normal routine. I have to work today and I have to go today regardless of how upset I am. I. Assuming the black dress is what Isla wants to wear today. I am so proud of her being for being able to walk. I hope that she learns how to talk eventually.

"Hi Isla." I greeted kindly. She smiled at me in response. The only two features which were similar to mine are her eyes and her smile. I put on the black dress and she jumped down from the bed and started to walk away. I caught her and placed her on my lap as I have a comb in my hand.

She figured out that I am going to fix her hair. She wouldn't stop moving her head in protest. "Hey stop." I demanded in a low tone. I sprayed lightly the top of her head and began to comb her hair at every time I had the chance to. Ten minutes later I was eventually finished with combing her hair and put on a black headband to match her dress.

She stood up and ran off. I'm just going to let her roam as I quickly get ready myself. I put on a pair of black dress pants and a white buttoned down shirt. I finished my outfit with a black vest. With my hair I just put it up in a bun because it was that much of a mess.

After I was done I picked up Isla who was playing with toys in the living room and as fast as I could made a bottle for her. I have to pretend that I am satisfied today. I have to keep a smile on my face no matter what. I just have to get through today. I can do this today.

I'm about to leave and now my act has to be present. I pick up my purse and the baby bag then walked out of my house and locked the door from the outside. As soon as I took a step, Michael suddenly came from my front porch. I took a step back in fear. He fell down on one knee and stared down at the ground.

I'm so scared that I don't know that to do. "Marry me Lily." He pleaded. I gasped after those words hit my ears. "What?" Was the only word to come out of my mouth. "Lily I love you so much. I will never forget our ups, and I'm so sorry for our downs. Everything that happened that the Grammy awards was all my fault and I'm so sorry for even having the audacity to put my hands on you. I love you so much. Please just marry me." He rambled.

"Michael." I began but didn't know what to say to him. "Dada." I'm positive I heard come out of Isla's mouth. Both Michael and I turned to Isla and she was smiling right at him. I wanted to cry tears of joy. I'm not going to embarrass myself.

"She just said her first word!" I gasped. Michael stood up. "Not only that. She was talking to me, she called me dad!" He stated then smiled. I looked at him then I had no choice but to hug him. He placed his arm around me and then he stepped away.

Suddenly he took out a black box and opened it. This ring was so beautiful and I could see how expensive it was. There was a huge emerald cut diamonds right in the middle and small stones were around it. I have to give in to my feelings and what my heart tells me. I love Michael, I love him so much.

"I promise to love you for the rest of my life. Lily, will you marry me?" He proposed. I smiled then nodded. "Yes Michael. I will marry you." I told him then he kissed me. Yes, we did live a happily ever after. Or did we?

A/N: I am so proud to say that I have finished this book. I cannot believe that this is the first Wattpad story which I have actually finished. I want to thank you all for the love and support on this. I wouldn't have finished this whole entire awkward story if it weren't for you guys and I did not expect for this story to get the amount of reads that it got. I will have a new book up soon so I am really excited for it. I still want to thank you guys so much and I love you all. -Lily💙

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