Chapter 6

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I'm sitting in my first period class All alone in a corner writing in my journal. The morning announcements started to go on. The typical girl started talking. I often found her voice annoying, not to be rude. "Move bitch." I heard someone say from behind her. "Heller? Does this thing work? Ok good it does. I have a message for a girl named Lily. She's tall, has short dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes, one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. Anyway.  Lily I have one simple question for you, will you go to prom with me?"  He asked.

The whole entire class looked at me shocked. I rolled my eyes and rushed out of the classroom. I ran to the front office. I saw him still talking on the intercom. I pushed him away. "Oh hello darling, how I'm glad to see you." He greeted trying to charm me. But I'm not falling for his bullshit. I glared at him. "You need to stop you are embarrassing me!" I started ranting. He suddenly got down on one knee and grabbed my hand. "No. No. No! NO!" I screamed and ran out.

Time skip, way later that night, two o'clock a.m

I was sound asleep in my cozy bed and I felt comfortable in my two piece silk pajamas. Something woke me up though. Something hitting my window. I sat up. What the hell?!?! Someone is throwing pebbles at my window. I looked out there as my vision improved. Fuck. He did not. "Lily!" He was screaming at the top of his lungs waving his hands. I sighed and walked outside irritated. Man it was cold. He was standing out there in a tank top and pajama pants. "Dude what the hell are you doing? I have neighbors and my mom is home." I explained. He started coughing rapidly.

I felt bad for him. Has he been standing out here all this time? I have to let him in. His house is a pretty long walk. I put my arm around his waist. "Come on, let's go in side." I told him. He nodded as he continued coughing. We got into my house and I led him to my room. He got into my bed and laid under the covers. I shook my head. "No. Get up and out of my bed." I told him. He giggled. "Go to prom with me and I will" He told me. I groaned and looked at him annoyed. "Is that what this is all about?" I questioned irritated.

He nodded and a smirk went across his face. I rolled my eyes. "I told you my answer is no." I informed. He raised an eyebrow. "You see babygirl, that answer is going to change tonight." He said in a flirtatious tone. "Nothing is going to change my answer." I said sternly. "Ok then. Have it your way. I'm not leaving then." He told me. My eyes were wide. "No Michael. Get out of my house." I demanded. '"Not until you say yes." He said. Is he really doing this? He can't. But I really want him to leave. So I guess that I have to do what I have to do. "Ok, I'll go to prom with you." I revealed. He smiled. "That's my girl." He said in a slightly suggestive tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up." I said and pushed him. I walked outside of my room for a moment. Did I just say that I would go to prom with this asshole. Why? Was it even worth it? Is he even worth my time? After a few minutes of contemplating my actions, I walked into my room to see Michael sleeping in my bed. He looked so peaceful. I can't kick him out. I don't know why. I just cant. I put the covers over his chest and gave him a small forehead kiss. He smiled. I started to walk away. He gripped my arm tightly with his eyes still closed. "No. Stay." He whispered and pulled me onto the bed. I just look at him then I laid down and turned off the lights. He wrapped his muscular arms around me. I fell asleep just minutes later.

Author's note : sorry this is boring and probably poorly written. But I'm pretty sure it's going to get interesting soon:) vote and comment. I love yall💚

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