Chapter 18

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I open my eyes to see Isla crawling. She looks just like her mom. She has the same dark blue eyes and curly hair. She stood up. I noticed what she was trying to do. She was attempting to walk. Where was Lily? She needs to be here to see this.

Isla attempted to take a step but almost fell until I ran in time to catch her. She smiled as soon as she locked her dark blue eyes with me. We both smile at one another. My smile soon went away as soon as I can hear screaming. Why is someone screaming in a quiet neighborhood?

I listen intently to find out that it's coming from outside. I look out the window and the first thing to catch my eye was Lily being slapped by a man who was much taller than her, he had dark skin and curly hair plus he was much stronger than her. I couldn't watch. This was so painful and she doesn't deserve to deal with that. I run outside immediately despite the fact that Isla is in my arms.

"Maurice please just fucking stop and leave!" She demanded. "Not until I get my child!" Maurice, who seemed liked an asshole screamed back at her. They began hitting one another again. "Ok stop! What the hell is going on here!?!" I yelled as I approached them. Maurice looked me up and down disgusted.

"Oh great now you're hoeing around like the slut that you are!" Maurice yelled. I have had enough. I handed the baby over to the Lily. "Hold my daughter! HOLD MY DAUGHTER!" I commanded Lily unaware of what I said. I punched Maurice right in the nose.

He reacted by groaning and covering his nose. "Don't you ever put your hands on her ever again!" I yelled. He tried to punch me but I blocked him and punched him in the face again. Suddenly we began to fist fight completely as I tackled him. Ninety percent of the punches that I was throwing was landing and on his face.

He got a few punches on my chest but so much adrenaline is flowing and I can't feel a thing. I had absolutely no mercy on this cunt. After a few minutes of throwing a few punches I stood up and wiped the blood off of my eyebrow. I had a small cut right there only because he was wearing rings. Tears were streaming on Lily's face.

I hate seeing her in that way and I have already seen it too much. I love her and she didn't deserve to go through that. Maurice was covering his nose. "I'm getting full custody of MY daughter." He said then got into his car and left. I hugged Lily so tightly and we all had a long group hug. "Michael I'm sorry." She apologized.

The one attribute I can't stand about her is how apologetic she can be. She apologizes for shit that was not at all her fault. "Lily do not apologize. Absolutely none of this is your fault. He is an asshole and Isla is going to appreciate you forever for leaving him." I told her. She nodded and looked at Isla who reached over and wanted me to hold her. I reached for her and held her on my hip.

"I get it Michael that you care about my daughter. But you are not her dad." She stated. I nodded and turned to Isla who was smiling at me. I frowned as I turned to Lily who had her eyes on me. "I should go." I told her. She shook her head.

"No, stay for awhile. I'm going to make breakfast." She said as she lead me back to the house. When we arrived to the kitchen I set Isla down on the ground and walked over to the stove. Suddenly one event that both Lily and I will always remember forever. Isla stood up on her feet and ran over to me. Both Lily and I gasped.

"Oh my gosh!" Lily cried. I picked up Isla and hugged her. I felt so proud of her because she was struggling to do this earlier. Lily walked over and kissed Isla on the forehead. She snatched her from me so that she could put Isla in her high chair. She buckled Isla in and placed the tray over her.

Lily opened the refrigerator and took out a can of baby food. "Do you want me to feed her?" I offered. She smiled at me and I loved her smile so much. "That would be great thank you." She replied and handed me the jar with a spoon. I took it and began to feed Isla.

I couldn't take it anymore. I want Lily back more than anything and I feel that I just have to tell her. She's the love of my life and I love her with all of my heart. I set the jar down onto the tray and just stare at Lily's beautiful figure. "Hey Lily?" I started.

"Yes?" She questioned while continuing to create the mix to make pancakes. "I have something to tell you." I said. She stopped what she was doing and looked over at me. I took a deep breath in then out. "Lily I'm still so in love with you. I know that sounds insane but I love to the moon and back. I always will no matter what happens to us. But I will do anything and everything to have us be one again." I expressed.

She continued to just gaze at me. "I promise to treat you with nothing but love and respect because that's all you deserve. Overall I will go out of my way to be the best step father to Isla." I continued. I was caught off guard when she pressed her lips against mine. But I moved my hands to her hips and we began making out. "I love you Michael." She said then kissed me again.

I was so passionate with her to the point when I lifted her up and sat her down on the counter. I attempted to take off her shirt but then she shoved me forward. Shit, I really did just mess up terribly. "Michael, there is a baby right in front of us." She said. I laughed and looked over at Isla who spilled all of the baby food everywhere. Both Lily and I continued to laugh.

I walked over and began to clean everything up. I have an extremely special event tonight and my whole entire career could depend on this. I just now remembered and I want Lily to be there with me. So that I can acknowledge her and not take my eyes off of her as I make my acceptance speeches. "Baby. The Grammy awards are tonight. Come with me please." I begged.

She frowned at me. "Mike, I have just now been introduced to the public eye for the first time, and it's overwhelming now that everyone knows who I am because of my book. I'm sorry but I don't want to have an extreme amount of attention on me." She explained breifly. She has a very good point. I want her to be there so that I can introduce her as my lover, but now I'm saddened but understanding that it can't happen. "Oh. Well I totally understand." I said to her then kissed her cheeks. She bit her lip and I found that to be so sexy.

"But don't worry my love, I'll be watching." She winked.

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