Chapter 2

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I go back home with a bruise on my right cheek. It hurts like hell. But I'm not mad at her for doing that. I don't blame her honestly. I open the front door to my house.

Randy and Marlon were sitting on the couch watching tv. They stared at me when I walked in with my hand on my cheek. "You're here late." Randy commented. I giggled. "I was at the library." I told them.

I walked over to the freezer, quickly grabbed an ice pack. And sat on the couch with them. They looked at me in shock. "Michael Jackson at a library?!" Marlon joked. I laughed with them.

Then they both looked at me with their eyebrows raised. "So, what were you doing at the library?" Randy questioned eagerly. I rolled my eyes. "None of your business." I laughed. "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" They kept on chanting.

"Ok fine, I was trying to talk to a girl." I admitted. They both gazed at each other shocked then they looked back at me. "Who?!" Randy questioned yelling. "I don't know her name." I replied. Randy rolled his eyes.

"Idiot you have to learn her name before you hit on her!" He yelled. Marlon laughed. Sometimes it is kind of funny to see Randy yelling. But not when he's yelling at me.

"So what happened with her?" Marlon interrogated me. I took the ice pack off of my face. They were wide eyed. Jaw dropped. "Did you try to hit on a WWE fighter?" Marlon joked.

I rolled my eyes. "No asshole, she threw a book at me." I admitted in an embarrassing tone. They both just laughed their asses off. I swear they thought that this was just the funniest thing ever. Then they both got up.

"Learn her name." Randy advised, slapped my shoulder then walked away.


The next morning, I woke up and started to get ready for school. I'm a freshman and I go to a shitty school. I only have one significant friend and I feel like that's all I need. I just combed my hair, put on a pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. I walked out into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Bye mom I'm going to school!" I yelled and walked out the door.  I walked down the driveway and saw Lily standing at the end of the street. Lily is my best friend. Her and i relate a lot, we have the same sense of humor, and I thought she was really pretty. But we could never date because that would ruin our friendship.

She's like little sister to me. Even though we're the same age. "Hey Lily!" I yelled happily and hugged her. We separated from hugging and started walking. "Why didn't you wait for me outside of my house?" I asked her confused.

She gave me a slight glare that had some sadness in it. I know why, it's kind of obvious. "Jermaine?" I said nervously. She nodded shyly. "Oh I understand." I told her and softly grabbed her hand.

We always held hands. We weren't dating or anything, that's just what we did. I took a bite of my apple then I threw it on the ground. "You know you're wasting food doing that." She commented. "I'm not. I'm feeding the animals!" I told her happily.

She laughed and shook her head. We got to the public bus stop. "Hey, do you want to take the public bus to school?" I suggested. "I don't have any money." She told me. "I'll pay for you." I said.

She shook her head. "You don't have to." She said. "I insist." I informed her. The bus came and stopped. We got on and I paid for us.

We sat right in front. The bus started driving away. Lily put her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes we got to the bus stop that was only a block away from our school. We stood up and got off the bus.

We started walking the rest of the way to school. I noticed that Lily looked upset. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded. "I am fine." She responded.

I put two fingers under her chin and pulled her face over so that we were making direct eye contact. "You don't seem ok." I said worried. "I'm fine Randy!" She screamed. My eyes widened. I've never heard her yell like that.

I didn't know what to do I was Intimidated. I just nodded slowly. She looked back down on the ground. She grabbed my hand. I held onto it tightly.

We got to school. We walked in and separated hands. We were still walking close together though. I walked by Michael and he looked at me shocked for a moment. I don't know why.

Lily and I both walked over our locker. They were right next to each other. She wasn't paying attention to me as I was looking at Michael. "Dude that's her!" Michael mouthed pointing at Lily. I looked at him confused for a moment then pointed at her.

"Her?" I mouthed back to him. He nodded. I shook my head. I cannot believe this! My brother has a crush on my best friend! This can't be real! Now I know why he was at the library!  No! He's played with a lot of girls. He's not going to mess with a great person like Lily. She deserves better than him. "Randy!" She yelled in my ear. That caused me to go out of my deep thought. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "I'll see you at lunch?" She questioned. I nodded. "Duh." I responded in a girly tone then hugged her tightly. After we stopped hugging she walked away to go to class.

Michael approached me. I gave him an angry look. "No Mike! You can't like my best friend!" I yelled. "I'm Michael Jackson, I can do whatever the fuck I want" He said in a cocky tone. "No! She's a good person and I'm not going to let you do that to her." I said.

He rolled his eyes. "You don't understand. I actually like this girl." He replied. "Bullshit!" I yelled. "I'm not bullshitting you! I'm telling the truth, honestly!" He argued back. I rolled my eyes. "Her name is Lily. Be careful because she doesn't play." I revealed. He giggled. "That's how you know they're the one." He said. I started to walk away from him to calm down. "Randy!" He called out. I turned around. "Don't hug my girl." He ordered. I rolled my eyes and just walked away.

Author's note: sorry it's boring right now

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