older boy

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your eyes and i'm in love

love. i'm completely and utterly in love with calum thomas hood. my dilemma is, he's a senior and i'm a sophomore. i bet he's embarrassed to even be seen walking around school with me.

i don't think i've ever fallen this hard. we're really good friends and i'd hate to ruin things with him. plus, we are totally different people.

he's some jock, that comes off as a player who hangs out with a whole bunch of bad kids. me? i'm a very short girl who listens to a lot of music. that's it really. other than the fact that we're friends with the same people, there is nothing in common. i mean, the little things yeah but, we don't have anything big in common.

but don't opposites attract? i need to stop making excuses. he probably thinks of me as some pest or small weirdo.

whenever he talks to me about other girls, i realize that these might be hints. he talks about these tall, blonde girls that are really hot. or these girls with golden brown skinny and perfect locks of hair.

"what are you thinking about?" i'm pulled out of my thoughts by the man himself. calum hood everyone. he plopped right next to me and looked at me with those chocolate brown eyes that i could drown in.

it's was 3:27pm. school has been for a long time. i've been sitting at a table thinking about him for what, 27 minutes?

"just thinking i guess," i said closing my eyes. calum scoots closer to me letting my head rest on his shoulder. he wraps his arm around me squeezing my arm.

"you seem, sad. talk to me [y/n]. spill your heart out. you can tell me anything," he says soothingly. my heart aches. he did this a lot. he constantly tried to talk to me and open up to me but every time we've been interrupted. i didn't really want to either.

"really calum, it's nothing. i'm perfectly fine," you say. he just squeezed you tighter. you couldn't tell calum how you felt since you were so scared he'd laugh or reject you.

he sighed as you both sat there. the wind was barley evident and the sun slightly rose above the clouds. you felt your eyes slowly drifting close but you knew you couldn't shut them. you were sitting at a school lunch table. you did everything to keep your eyes open, but you soon felt your eyelids seal shut.

5:47 pm

when you woke up, you were no longer at school but on a memory foam mattress covered in warm sheets under a soft duvet. your body was being held as you laid in someone's arms. you look up seeing calum with a slight fluffy bed head and soft snores escaping his lips.

how did you even get here? yes, calum was very muscular and toned but carrying you into his car, then driving you and carrying you into his house? i think not. he must've pulled a muscle. poor calum.

you looked at the nightstand realizing it was 5:47. you were supposed to be home at 3:30. your eyes widened as you escaped calum's warm embrace. you didn't have shoes or socks on and couldn't find your backpack. panic runs through your entire body as you hear calum wake up.

"[y/n]? what are you doing?" he ask groggily. you search for your belongings as calum gets up off what you assume to be his bed.

"i-i told my mom i'd be home at 3:30 and it's 5:47- wait make that 5:48. calum you know how my parents are," you panic as you run around his room like a maniac. he places his arms around your waist from behind calming you down.

"don't worry," he says "i told her that you'd be here with me since you didn't feel well. relax and sleep. she's the easy one right?" he asked. you smiled at the fact he remembered one of your many facetime calls.

it took a moment for you to realize but you were at the calum hoods home. the hood house hold. the calum cave. the thomas town. you relaxed and took in your surroundings.

"thanks cal, i really do appreciate it," you say with relief. you begin to walk downstairs when calum intertwines your hand together stoping you.

"wait, are you leaving? did i do something wrong?" he asked with confusion and sadness. you looked back at calum just as confused as him.

"oh, i don't want to bother you or anything and i accidentally woke you up already and you probably really s-" your cut off by calum interrupting you by engulfing you in a hug. his arms wrapped around your shoulders tightly and protectively.

"why would you think that? i brought you here too. you'd never bother me and you never have," he said clearly. your arms wrap around his toned, shirtless torso. he looked back at your face and into your eyes.

i don't think i can keep doing this. you think to yourself. loving calum is just too much. it's not that you couldn't handle him it that you couldn't handle lying to him. everyday you look at him, makes you fall even harder. as he held your face in his hands, you wiggle out of his grasp and out of his hold. his face drops as he looks at your sudden movements.

"calum," you pause, "i-i don't think i can do this anymore," you say holding back your tears which threatened to come out.

"d-do what? be friends? i don't understand," calum said sitting down on his bed. elbows rested on his knees, calum rubbed his face with both hands.
he couldn't understand the situation.

"that's it. that's what i can't do. i can't pretend that i don't love you. i can't pretend i don't feel something when i'm around you. i can't pretend i don't want to be yours. i can't keep pretending. i look into your eyes and i'm in love. and it hurts. hearing you constantly talk about other girls. it hurts. and knowing that you'd never feel the same about me makes it even worse. i'm so sorry calum, but i can't keep acting like i'm not in love with you," you choke out. he doesn't move. of course he doesn't. tears rush down your face and you start to walk out of his room.

"that's where your wrong," you heard calum say from the other room, "i talk about those girls waiting for you. i talked about them in hopes that one day, you'd tell me you felt the same as a sign of jealousy. i used them as distractions from you. i pretend that i'm looking around at my surroundings just to catch a glimpse of you. i play love songs around you in hopes you'd catch on. i write poems about because you and i both know i can't say words as well as i write them," he laughs dryly. you walk into the room to see calum standing in front of you, "i try doing my school work so i can ask you if you're proud of me. i tell people that we're dating just so they'd back off. i look out for you everyday making sure you're okay. i didn't think you'd want someone like me. i didn't think you felt comfortable around me. since i'm a senior and you're a sophomore. i thought the age gap freaked you out," he finished. he walked up to me at the door way and held my face in his hands.

my eyes looked up at his as he slowly pulled our faces closer together. as your lips touch, sparks flew. you wrap your hands around his neck as he holds your waist. it was slow and passionate as your plump small lips connected with his. as you both pulled apart similes grew wide on both of your faces.

"you're turning me into a softie, sophomore."

don't worry, i hate myself too.

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