lost rockstar: one/three

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"your nudes leaked"

friday night. everyone's normally out going to a party, spending time with their friends, doing something meaningful with their lives. what were you doing? driving downtown listening to music wasting your gas for no reason.

the music in your car is almost as loud as your voice screaming out the lyrics. you drum your fingers on the steering wheel as you pull up to ronaldo's pizza shack.

making your way inside, you greet the staff working around the parlor. your uncle owned the restaurant resulting in you getting free food for eternity. walking to the back you ask for your usual, a cheese pizza, pasta covered in marinara, and a large iced tea.

"hello bertha!" you cheer as you make your way to your second mother.

"[y/n]!" she says with enthusiasm. bertha quickly gives you a tight hug before continuing on a pepperoni pizza. you both talk for a quick moment catching up with one another.

bertha and her husband had their twenty-fifth anniversary on wednesday and maxwell and his girlfriend had recently got engaged. once you finish talking to the staff members, you say farewell and head back to your car.

obnoxious screaming started getting louder as you got closer to your vehicle. ignoring the noise, you hop in your car and buckle your seat belt. placing the food in the back seat, you start the engine.

soon, a stranger appears in your car locking the doors. he muscular with tattoos covering his tan skin. his hair was a chocolate brown with a somewhat undercut. the color of his eyes were also the same rich brown color and his jawline was astonishing. this is not the time to check someone out!

"oh my god! get out of my car before i call the freaking cops!" you shout before pulling out your phone. he suddenly panics as a group of teenage girls get closer to your car. who does this guy think he is?

"no no no no! please don't do that for the love of god. look i'll explain myself soon just get me a few miles away from this gas station," he says quickly. you immediately step on the pedal distancing yourself and the stranger from the pizza parlor. you were not going to get killed tonight.

the girls stopped chasing you a third of the way there clearly getting exhausted. you forcefully hit the brakes once you reach the nearest empty lot. getting out of your car, you wait for the stranger to join you preparing your pepper spray.

he walks out of the car letting you take in his full appearance. wow, he was really tall and toned. his arms were huge and his thighs looked great. he was wearing black jean jacket over a grey t-shirt along with black skinny jeans and chuck taylors. he was hot.

"okay so after you stop checking me out, i'll tell you what's going on," he smirked. you roll your eyes as his personality began to kick in. for once, can i meet a hot guy that's isn't a douche?

"okay so after you stope being cocky, i'll kick your ass," you smirk back mocking his stupid remark.

"ouch princess, that's gotta hurt," he said frowning holding his heart. you scoff looking the other way.

"are you really forgetting what i just did for you back there?" you shout, "i have pepper spray you perv! yeah that's right, be scared buddy! pepper spray!"

"okay, okay, calm your damn tits!" he groaned, "my name's calum hood, i'm in the band 5 seconds of summer."

you squint your eyes at the boy in front of you. you know this guy. sure you've heard of him before numerous times around school but you've never seen his face. then the truth hit you like a truck.

"hey, your nudes leaked, right?" you say as you burst into a fit of laughter. his eyes roll as his jaw clenched, arms crossing in front of his chest. your foot began to stomp on the pavement as you began choking on your spit.

"hey, soon you'll be choking on t-" calum began.

"okay i get it," you sighed calming down your laughter.

"anyways," he said rolling his eyes once more, "i left my hotel to wander around and i got lost. i started drifting towards a local bar but then a group of girls saw me and began to chase me. i was about to call one of my band mates or security guards but my phone died so i decided to sprint."

"let's see, an easy way you could've gotten your self out of this mess would be by, let's see," your voice dripping with sarcasm as you tap your finger against your chin, "take a photo with your fans dumbass!"

"baby, you don't understand there were so many and i had a bad day!" he whined.

"whatever i don't care," you sigh, "what do i do with you now?"

"i honestly don't care. i'm sick of everything. i'm sick of the fame, publicity, and girls. well, maybe not the girls part- but do you get what i mean?" he complained sitting down against the passenger side of my car.

you sigh for the fiftieth time and sat down next to him. well there goes your fantastic night of eating food and binge watching movies.

"look calvin sweatshirt, i'm going to pretend i understand your dilemma here. because honestly, i'm just some random chick with no ounce of knowledge involving the music industry. but, i see that you are sad- somewhat horny- but that's not the point. the point is, do what makes you happy. it doesn't matter how rich and famous you are, as long as you are happy doing what you love or who you love in your case, then do it," you smile after giving him a good pep talk. maybe, just maybe, if he manages to cheer up, you can go home.

"thank you, i needed that," he said giving you a toothy grin, "can i crash at yours?"

what the fuck? you stare at him blankly while he smiles hopefully at you. this plan was supposed to make him leave.

"w-what? no. i'm a girl, not motel 6," you say standing up brushing off your pants.

"we can bond and do all that fun stuff. i can already tell you love me so it won't be that difficult, right?" he smiled at you searching your eyes for a chance. the pout placed on his plump pink lips was so captivating you unknowingly said yes.

"really? thank you princess!" he says picking you up in his muscular arms.

what did you just do?

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