12|Mama's Love

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m a m a ' s l o v e

Travis' POV

The door banged close followed by the screeching of tyres. I have fucked up, she had opened up to me, she trusted me but I ruined it all. It was right thing to do but fuck the right thing. I have lost her too. Feeling the urge to punch someone or something—which was impossible because I had done that earlier. I had punched the wall and I'd hurt my hand—I broke a flower vase and fell to the floor crying.

"I have something to tell you Gin" I had said.

"What is it?"

"I uh... I—fuck I don't know how to say this!"

"Just say it anyhow"

I took a deep breath "Okay the thing is, I want us to stop this. You know what we're doing, it's not helping either of us. We should put an end to it and that way it will save us from a lot of things" like heart break, but I didn't add.

"What! What the fuck you telling me?"

"Don't get me wrong Ginny, I really like having sex with you and obviously it's the best sex I've ever had. But we can't continue to run around like this, it's not right. We shou—"

"Damn you asshole. Fuck you. Screw you. I hate you!" she all but yelled. It wasn't fair, I didn't even think to ask her about what Jude had told her that made her run out of the cafeteria earlier.

"I'm sorry Ginny."

"You. Are. Sorry? So you think you can use me and just dump me like some trash?"

"I'm not dumping you Gin"

"Then what the fuck are you doing Travis Stein? I trusted you but you know what, forget everything I fucking told you and don't you ever speak to me again. You will regret this!" she then stormed out.

I'd lost Josh and now fucking Ginny. I stood on wobbly legs and walked to couch to take my phone. My hands shook as I punched some numbers and dialed it, at the second ring the phone was answered.

" I need you mama" I sobbed into the phone.


Arianna Stein a thirty-eight year old lawyer. The best lawyer in the state, she has her own law firm and the wife of William Stein III, the owner of the WS hotels, the best in the country founded by William Stein the first, his grandfather and the company had been passed on to the Williams of the family.

Ari buried her head in her palm and drumming on the table with her other hand. Work has been stressful this past week and she seemed not to know what she was doing anymore, her coffee had already gotten cold and she called her secretary to make another one for her. Her phone rang and she looked to see a call from her second son.

"I need you mama" His cracked voice sobbed into the phone.

"Honey what's wrong? I'm on my way now" her words were drowned out by his sobs. She quickly changed into her heels, took her car keys and rushed for the elevator.

It took her 23 minutes to get home, which was 5munites early. Travis had never called her like this demanding her presence and it really bothered her because he seemed fine in the morning when she left for work. She opened the door and found him on the couch crying, she took him in her arms and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head.

"Travis honey, what happened?"

"I lost them mama, I'm a terrible person. I lost the people I love. They don't want to speak to me again" he sobbed onto her chest.

"It's okay honey, mama is here. Shh.. You are going to be okay"

"What am I going to do, Josh won't speak to me, it's suffocating. I betrayed him, I'm a terrible friend."

"It's okay darling, whatever happened just give him some time to cool off. Josh loves you and he can't avoid you forever. You know people get angry at the ones they love but it doesn't last long. I think I know what will make you feel better" she smirked.

"I'm sorry for dragging you out of work mama"

"It's okay Trav, you're more important. Now let's go and get your butt kicked"

Travis smiled as his mother dragged him upstairs, "Mom you know I always beat you in Mario wii."

"Not this time honey"

Ps:Travis has an older brother, his name is William Stein the heir to WS HOTELS.

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