9|Sisterly Bonding

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s i s t e r l y  b o n d i n g

After the whole fiasco with Travis, me and the girls went to our favorite spot, a fallen tree on the school field. It became our favorite spot because that was where we met, all three of us when we were in fourth grade.

We sat down in silence before Lila spoke "Gosh, Travis is a pain in the ass, but with what he said earlier, that means he knows?"

"Yeah, he does" I sighed.

"So what do you want to do to him? He surely can't get away with this"

"I know, but don't worry. I won't act quickly, I must plan very well before destroying him" I smirked, acting badass.

"Destroy him? Have you forgotten who his parents are?"Amanda protested.

" And…? So you and Josh huh? "Lila questioned.

Amanda casted her eyes to the ground and her fingers played with one another, I placed my hand on hers and squeezed, "I understand you, Mandy. It's feelings, you cannot control it and I won't judge you for liking him. But you have to be careful, you know how he is with girls. Don't let him hurt you."

She raised her head and tears were in her eyes, she gripped my hand and squeezed back," Thank you Ginny, but he told me he likes me and he even asked me on a date. I think he's serious about me and don't worry I won't let him hurt me "

Lila sighed," Promise me that you won't let him hurt you because if he does, I'll make sure he loses his family jewels. That's what sisters do for one another right?"

"Right. Sisters hug!" Amanda sniffed and we put our arms around one another and hug but it didn't last long because my phone vibrated and I pulled away to look at it.

It was a message from… dick?

Dick:My house. 30 minutes.

Who the fuck does he think he is to order me around. And how did he even have my number?

Ginny:How the fuck did you get my number? And don't expect me at your house because I'm not some dog you can order around!

The reply came almost immediately,

Dick:Are you kidding me, how did I get your number? How did you know I was the one who texted you. And lastly, you are not a dog but a bitch.

I gasped when I read the last part. He is so going to regret this!

"Um, guys I have to go somewhere urgently, and Mandy I'm sorry I can't drop you off today. Lila will." I said.

"Oh sorry I didn't bring my car today. Evan and I are going on a date so I'll be riding with him" Lila pouted as she said.

I looked at Mandy apologetically, I've been picking and dropping her off since her car broke down last week and her parents told her to wait till her birthday—which is in two weeks—to get another one.

"Don't worry, I'll ask Josh to give me a ride" Amanda said.

I smiled and Lila exclaimed, "In his scooter?"

Amanda nudged her in the shoulder, "It'll be okay even if it's a scooter but luckily it's not. And you better try to accept him. He's a good guy"

She rolled her eyes, "Good guy my ass"


I pressed the ring and the door opened almost immediately. A ruffled looking Travis greeted me in sweatpants and white muscle shirt with his hair sticking out in different angles. He offered me a half smirk, the eyeliner giving him a sultry look.

"You are late"

"Yes"I stepped inside and his dog came to greet me, licking my legs. "Hey doggy"I bent down to stroke his fur.

"Penny. I wouldn't be surprised, he's seen one of his kind"

"I hate you" I said rising up on my feet.

"Me too. And what do you say we express our feelings to each other?" he carried me bridal style upstairs into his room.

His room is large, almost doubling the size of mine with a king sized bed. He has a couch and table facing the large TV set and a small fridge at a corner. There's a hearth dominating the east side of the room. And on the wall were posters of different cars and he also has toy cars of different types and sizes and color arranged on the shelf pooling to the floor. He isn't in any sport team in school but now I understand what he wants to become.

He wants to become a car racer.


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