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Travis' POV

My mother got to the station not long after she was called and she embraced me.

"You'll be fine darling. It's alright"

I tightened my arms around her waist, "I'm scared mama. I didn't do it, I don't do drugs."

"Shh. I believe you and I trust you. Just tell them what you know and who you think might set you up. I'll get you out" she kissed the top of my head and went to talk to the officers.

"... you said someone texted you?"

"Yes but we can't trace the line, it's a bummer phone..."

I lost track of their conversation when Ginny and Josh rushed in and to my surprise she threw herself against me, making me stumble back. She held me tight and I wrapped my arms around her waist. Sniffing her vanilla smell, gosh I've missed you Ginny.

We stood like that for a long time, neither of us wanting to leave the other, then I felt wetness on my shoulder and I pulled apart to see that she was crying. My heart broke, she was going through this because of me.

"I'm sorry Gin. I'm really sorry"

"No. I'm sorry"
I led her to a chair where she sat down and I proceeded to hug Josh.

"I've missed you man"

"You have no idea"

"Trust me, I do. I was as miserable as you but just not physically. I'm really sorry but don't keep secrets from me again"

"I've learned my lesson"

We looked at each other for a while before Josh spoke, "I know you didn't do it"

I didn't say anything, then Ginny spoke up, "Don't worry Travis, I'll get you out of here. Just wait"



I didn't want to say anything about what I saw. Not wanting to keep his hopes up, I remained silent. The investigation is between me and my friends and I want it to remain that way.

Being in Travis arms again reminded me of what I missed. I missed his body heat, I missed his masculine smell and I missed the thumping of his heart when we hug. Even in this situation, his hazel eyes still makes me heat.

A woman came to us and I assumed she is Travis mother, she looks like she is in her late thirties and has green-almost-brown orbs or let's say brownish-green eyes, she has a beautiful face but the dark circles underneath her eyes can't be missed, but she is still beautiful. Her brown hair is cut short and it reaches just above her shoulder.

"Hey Joshy, glad you are here and who's this beautiful girl. Is she your girlfriend?"

Travis blushed and Josh rolled his eyes at the nickname. I smiled and and introduced myself, "Hi Mrs Stein I'm Ginny McCarthy I go to Travis school and I'm not Joshy's girlfriend"

Josh grunted and Travis pursed his lips, probably to keep from laughing.

Mrs Stein extends her hand and I took it, her hand is very soft, "Just call me Ari." she said and muttered my name as if she'd heard it before and without thinking, I blurted out.

"Actually Ari, I'm Travis girlfriend" she exclaimed a "wow" and Josh was surprised but he quickly changed it to a smirk while Travis jaw just hanged open and I gave him a wink.

She gave me a tight hug and after pulling away she turned to her son giving him a pointed look and raising her eyebrow "Travis, when were going to tell me?"

"Actually, I didn't know she was my girlfriend until now" he said, although his face is as red as blood itself. Poor boy.

Ari turned to me with a confused expression, "I love him and he loves me too but he's just being a baby about it"

I wasn't sure if he loves me until the conversation I had with Amanda on my way when she texted me and thankfully Josh was driving.

Mandy💕:Ginny I know that I promised Travis not to tell you anything but I can't keep such thing, especially from you.

Me:What is it Mandy, you're scaring me. Does it have anything to do with the hoodie guy?

Mandy 💕:No it's about Travis. Yesterday when we went to confront him, he said something... about you.

Me:What did he say?

Mandy 💕:He's in love with you. Tell him I'm sorry and I can't hide it from you anymore.

"But you wouldn't talk to me "Travis protests.

" If only you tried to talk to me. Personally you know not through the phone "

Ari shook her head," Well kids sort yourself out. I'm going to the office but I'll be back okay? " she gave all of us a peck and added" And Ginny, let's have dinner sometime yeah?"I nodded and she rushed out.

Then all eyes turned to me.

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