5. Lonely Road

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   Tal lead me out of his house with our fingers locked with each other. Right then I thought: maybe he didn't use me for his own good, maybe he did it because he loves me and cares about me

"Do you know the way to my house?" I asked and looked at Tal, confused why we left before he even knew. He looked at me and asked for my address. I told him in a quiet mumble. Still not comfortable? Common.

Tal began to walk faster, leading into a forest. I looked around while I heard the crickets chirping and the owls howling loudly. It was quite creepy and I wanted to leave, but at the same time I wanted to see one of the animals or insects I could hear.

The night grew darker and the road grew deeper in colour. It was like one of those roads you wouldn't want to go on because you'll think a killer clown would be hiding behind a tree waiting for your presence to arrive.

The creaking of our shoes breaking the twigs under our feet just made everything worse, for me. I looked up at Tal and he looked to be used to this.

"Do you do this often? Just walk around in the middle of the night?" I asked. I kind of hoped I didn't offend him in any way. Thank God he wasn't offended.

"Not often." Tal replied. His voice was louder and more clear. Maybe because we were in the forest and he didn't care if anyone would hear him.

I looked at him again and admired his appearance. Tall, longer hair than most boys, caring. I could say more but I don't think rambling would help. Would it?

Tal hummed in his deep voice while he put his hand on my waist, dragging me closer to him while we walked. I smiled and put my head against his arm.

I started thinking about my friends, Dillon, Tatum, Tiffany (even though we barely talk anymore). They seemed to have parted ways with me or each other. Maybe I should meet up with them somewhere and talk to them more.


"What kind of people are your parents?" I asked Tal in a worried tone. I looked up at him and he looked back down at me, his brown eyes looked deeper and more tired. Why did he walk with me if he's tired? I could tell he had to think about the answer; it took him quite a big to come up with one.

"I honestly don't know. They haven't been home as often since they got the same job. The house is basically mine... But to answer your question, they're very judging and rude about most topics." Tal replied. That was the most I've ever heard him talk in the past days, I should ask more questions like the one I just asked.

"My parents and I barely talk. It's like we have our own things going on, you know?" I told him about my home life. Tal nodded and smiled, but I could tell he wasn't latching on to what I had just said. I ignored it.

Tal looked like one of those boys that would play on a football team, yet he wasn't athletic and loud like most of the boys would be. I've heard multipe girls saying they haven't got with him all because he wasn't a football boy yet. I only say "yet" because they always try to get him into football, but he refuses.

Tal also tends to look like those 'emo' boys. The longer hair, dark eyes, and he sometimes wears makeup. People catch him in the hallways writing in a black journal-like book as well. I wonder what's in the book he writes in...

Tal and I are actually quite similar in ways. We both enjoy writing. And something funny, we don't share things about our personal life unless it's someone we trust, and he's been telling me more than I would think he would. Does this mean he trusts me?

I wanted to ask him another question but I saw my house in the distance with my father sitting on the porch. I sure hope he isn't waiting for me to get home, especially this late at night!

I looked down at Tal's hand and covered it with my arm. I think Tal knew what I was thinking and he took his hand away. I feel bad for not asking him to remove it but at the same time it would be awkward!

"Hey Dad!" I yelled out, waving my arm. My father stood up with the biggest smile on his face. He didn't seem to mind that Tal was beside me, he just looked happy that I was home.

I walked faster before my dad picked me up, spinning me around. I heard Tal chuckle beside my dad before I was sat back down onto the ground. I felt like I was seeing double, both Tal and my father looked similar. They shook hands and greeted one another. I'm glad my father didn't get protective over me by seeing the sight of a boy.

"I'm Tal."

"Call me Dad."

They seemed happy to see someone who wasn't very judging. Knowing my father, he likes a laid back guy who doesn't want to start fights.

"Come on in!" My father spoke and opened the front door, waiting for Tal to walk in. He then smiled at Tal, giving a very warm hearted expression on his eye smile.

Tal chuckled and walked into the house, automatically looking around while smiling more. He looked as if he felt wanted for the first time in a long time.

"How'd you meet this boy?" My father asked in a whisper. I felt my stomach drop at the question, I didn't want my father judging me.

"I met him at school, he sits in front of me in first class." I answered with big eyes. My father nodded.

"He looks much older than you." He gave a serious expression. He must've been worried about the age difference. I have to admit, Tal looks much older than the age he is. It's probably puberty hitting him hard at an early age.

"He's 16 Dad, he isn't much older," I assured him with a smile. "I really like him and we've done things not many people would've done at my age..." I continued. I didn't really care that I exposed Tal and I's secret. I wanted to be honest with my father about thing I've done, and he's learned to accept that. Not to mention, it's already been done so my father can't change it now.

"I see. Well if he keeps you out of trouble and away from Dillon, I don't mind what you do." My father replied. He does not like Dillon, not one bit. I have learned to deal with that over the past years.

My father and I walked into the house and found Tal laying on the couch, asleep. He definitely made himself at home before we could even say those words.

"He can stay only for tonight," My father said as he put a blanket over Tal. "Take off his shoes and put him in these shorts. You won't be uncomfortable because you've seen more of that boy than his own mama has." My father continued at he tossed basketball shorts to me. I nodded and began unlacing Tal's shoes and removing his socks.

Maybe tomorrow I can message my friends and invite them over, I'm sure Tal wouldn't mind. As long as I'm happy, right? 

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