12. Meet

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Josh could see my anger as my face got red. He sighed before handing me back my phone. "I'm sorry, but you know Tal will beat my ass if he ever found out. Even if he barely knows you, I just know he only has sexual feelings for you and you know this as well. Don't reply to Tate yet, meet her in person and tell her there. I can also go with you if it makes you feel better." Josh explained and put his hands on my waist before laying his forehead against my own. I felt comfortable in his hold and I put my arms around his neck as I moved closer to him.

"I understand, sorry for getting mad. But I don't see how Tal would find out by Tate?" I whispered to the boy in front of me, smiling slightly. Josh began to sway our bodies together to calm me down.

"What if she freaks out and tells Tal right away? I just don't want that to happen, I know you understand." Josh explained again. I nodded and sighed, holding onto his body.

It soon became later in the day, both Josh and I tired and exhausted. Josh mostly played games as I lounging on his bed while I watching his television. Today for us was more of a chill and relax day, but the only thing I could think about is how my parents would react when I tell them about Tal. This is like a television drama but in a real life scenario.

Josh finally noticed we have done nothing all day, even barely talked. He turned to me with the sweetest smile and asked if we wanted to do anything. I nodded and sat down on the floor next to him.

"Maybe go into the woods and explore? See if there's any blood sucking vampires! Romantic enough for you? We'll be like those movies where the girl finds out her babe is a vampire!" Josh playfully said as he made his eyes big and his hands fly in the air.

"Are you my babe though?" I teased at him and smirked slightly. "And I had no idea YOU were into these things. Tell me more." I continued and admired him slightly.

I finally find a boy who's funny, caring, someone who listens and understands, not to mention, someone who's into romantic novels.

"Yes, I am your babe! I'm your baby." Josh replied and tackled me down onto the ground before sitting on my hips. "I am only Aiden's as well." He continued before putting my arms above my head, his fingers tickling my sides. I raised my brow and smirked at him as I didn't react in any other way.

"Well okay, Babe. I noticed you're failing in making me laugh, knowing you can't be funny in any other way." I said to Josh in a sassy tone. Josh blushed and let go of me before rubbing his neck. He was flustered, not knowing what else to do.

I chuckled at him and squeezed his cheeks before sitting up and wrapping around him, giving him a tight hug before whispering,

"Want to take some photos?" I rubbed the back of his head and cuddled him. Josh quickly nodded and stood up, helping me up onto my feet afterwards.

"I even have a good camera!" Josh said with the biggest smile as he picked up a bag, a Canon Camera leaving his bag before the flash opening up.

"That was quick, don't you think?" I questioned the boy in front of me before smiling brightly.

"Look at your beautiful smile." Josh commented while taking a photo of me, the flash hitting my face, making my skin glow of white.

I looked at Josh in shock as the flash went away, but he didn't notice, he was looking at the newly taken photo of me on his camera. His pupils dilated as he looked at me. It made my stomach jump and flutter, just seeing the way he looked at me made me smile like no other.

But why does he make me feel like this..?


I couldn't believe I thought I found love in Tal, even if he was the boy I dreamt of for months, almost a year... I just found Josh and he made me feel like no one else did. I look at Josh and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes, I can even see myself having a family with Josh, although I only just met him. It seemed as if he actually cared... He even proved it to me, right? He cares...

I looked over at Josh, still admiring all the photos he had just taken. He was happy, my boy was happy. Now I need to learn what he's happy about. Is he happy because of me? Is he happy because of the moments we had shared? Is he... Should I even be questioning myself!?

"When are we going to meet Tate?" Josh asked as scooted himself over to me, his head now laying on my stomach.

"I was thinking now, what do you think?" I asked a question in return as I began running my fingers through his hair. I felt Josh nod and heard his fingers pressing buttons on my phone. I sighed quietly and thought about what might happen if we told her, will she start yelling and swinging her arms at me, or will she understand and listen to what I have to say? I hope she'll think about what I'm telling her before she does anything.

My phone began to buzz, meaning Tate had just replied. I looked down at Josh and waited for a reaction from him. The boy's head nodded and sat up from my stomach before helping me up.

"Let's go." Josh told me and held onto my hand with a firm grip. I could tell he was anxious but I by no means wanted to point it out. I nodded back at him and began leaving the house with him. To be honest... I was nervous as well.

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