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Strolling into the hallways of Riverdale high, people stopped and stared. There was no shame found in those y/e/c colored eyes. Some jaws dropped, some dirty glares were shot, every student had different reactions. Most serpents went to southside high, where drugs and chaos found a home. To most Riverdale High students, it was strange seeing a southsider strut around the north side, especially a serpent. 

The girl had made sure to print out her schedule at home and memorize her locker number and combination so she didn't have to make a scene in the front office. Yet, that idea failed. Many kids ran to the office in fear of the snake who might, "Burn down Riverdale High and us with it."  Ignoring the laser beams of stares she opened and slammed her locker, only grabbing the things she absolutely needed, which was almost nothing. Kids shuffled out of the way in her presence, and she enjoyed it, smiling to herself. She liked having a sense of power for once.

She found the first class in her schedule and made it just in time before the bell rang. She found a desk in the back and slumped in the seat, crossing her arms. English. How boring. Running her hands through that Y/H/C hair, she looked around the crowded classroom, noticing one kid that stood out. He wore a crown- shaped beanie that was some kind of turquoise- gray. Dreadfully, she was reminded that the first day would only consist of syllabi being explained by teachers. Realizing this, she groaned and unfortunately, the teacher heard her.

"Miss Y/L/N, is there a problem back there?" Asked the teacher. Everyone turned around and stared at the girl for what it seemed the seventeenth time.

"No ma'am," You replied, in that regular, sassy tone. 

"Are you sure? If there is, you can drag your Southside behind to Principal Weatherbee's office and you can tell him what's bothering this morning."

You stood up, still crossing your arms, "Oh," you laughed, "so because I'm a serpent, you have a problem with me. Got it. I'll just sit here listening to your plans to bore us to death one by one throughout the year. Super excited to learn, ma'am," you gave a fake smile and sat down. 

"Y/F&L/N, go to the office, immediately," the teacher commanded through her gritted teeth. 

You stood up again, "How about I take my 'South Side ass' out the front doors and blow this popsicle stand?" you sassed. Some kids' eyes widened at your comment.

"Leave," said the teacher, boiling with anger.

"Gladly," you picked up your things and gave the class a little curtsy before slamming the door shut. As soon as you left the room, the class erupted into laughter. You smiled to yourself and shook your head. "Northsiders," you scoffed and walked out the front doors of the school.


Not knowing where to go, you wandered around the town, getting looks from a few local folks. Most of the pavement was still wet from last nights storm. Acting like the child you used to be, you splashed around in puddles that scattered the streets. 

The end of the school day was signaled by the alarm on your watch, and almost immediately there was another sound indicating you had a call from the serpent leader, FP Jones.

"What the hell was that? You can't skip the first day of school, let alone wander around town advertising yourself to the police," FP said with a hint of protectiveness in his voice.

"That teacher disrespected us and the entire Southside. I couldn't just let her get away with calling us trash," you told him.

You could hear FP sigh, "Just make sure you go to school tomorrow, okay? My son goes to Riverdale, make friends with him."

"Right, what's his name again?" 


"Got it."


"Oh and FP- I'll try. I really will, people are just assholes most of the time," there was a genuine softness to your promise.

"Good girl. Remember, everyone will be at the Wyrm tonight."

"I'll be there. See you then," you smiled and hung up. FP Jones was like a second father to you, and you appreciated how he looked out for you- even if it was annoying at times.

By then you were right in front of Pop's Chock Lit Shoppe, somewhere you hadn't been since your initiation into the Serpents. So why not grab a snack or two?


Okay! New story again! I have a Cheryl x reader story so check that out if you're interested and I have a Riverdale Imagines & Preferences book as well. #selfpromo

Thanks for reading! xo

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