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"Hey, Jug. I got your coffee," you called out cheerily.

"Thanks, Y/N." You turned your head and looked up and around at the cool morning scene.

"Do all the serpents get those?" Jughead asked.

"Get what, Jughead?"

"Tattoos," he finished, taking a sip of his coffee.

You put your hand behind your ear where you had a serpent tattoo. "Yeah, they do. I've had mine for about a year now."

Jughead nodded. 

"They actually screwed it up a little bit," you told him, "There's supposed to be 7 fangs on each head, but the top one has only 6, do you see it?" you moved your ear and Jughead got a close look. 

"Oh, I see it," Jughead pulled back a bit, "Does it really matter though?"

"No, I just wanted to show you, and I wanted to..." you trailed off, looking into Jughead's gray eyes.

"You wanted to what, Y/N?" Jug asked curiously.

You didn't say a word but swiftly cupped Jughead's cheek and kissed his chapped lips. Surprisingly, he accepted it and kissed you back, but you pulled away. 

"I'm sorry," you started, standing up.

"Y/N did I do something wrong?" Jughead stood up as well.

"No, I- I just, I need to go," you stated, grabbing your bag and coffee, running away from Jughead. 

"Y/N!" Jughead called you once more.


Jughead saw you again in first period but neither he nor you spoke to each other. In fact, you didn't speak for the rest of the day. Not even during the mandatory pep rally, where everyone was cheering, and you were silent. 

You knew you liked Jughead, but it felt wrong. You believed you were unimportant, and you didn't want to bother anyone more than you thought you already did. So you vowed to keep to yourself and get through the last 3 years of high school alone.


Pushing through the crowd of students after school, you kept your head down, not wanting to be noticed. You could faintly hear your name being called but you ignored it. The voice got louder and louder until it was right beside you. 

"Y/N, talk to me, please," begged Jughead.

"Fine. Meet me at Pop's at 3:30," you said almost robotically. Jughead nodded and walked off, leaving you alone with your thoughts again.  Then you remembered- you would finally get your motorcycle today.


You pulled up the Chock- Lit Shoppe on your badass motorcycle that the Serpents had provided for you. You'd only gotten your license last month and was still getting used to the bike. Taking off your shiny midnight helmet, your hair flowed out from underneath it. You shook your head to get the hair out of your face and stepped off the bike, turning the motor off. 

Surprisingly, a man opened the door for you and you nodded thanks to him. Almost instantly, you found Jughead sitting in his regular booth and sat down. 

"Alright Jug, let's talk." 


I have two more tests to take today- well, a quiz and test. I just finished a math test, which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. My Spanish quiz should be a breeze as usual because I already know the verb, Tener. I should've tested into Spanish II tbh, Spanish I is wayyyyyy too easy. I also have a Bio test today. Let's hope I don't fail. Okay you probably don't care about my school life so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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