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"Pickup for Y/N?" you tapped your fingernails on the shiny countertop, waiting for your milkshake. Hearing the bell ring, you turned your head slightly, to see a group of high schoolers walk in the door, whispering as they walked past you. One of the kids split from the group and made his way to his own booth on the opposite side of the diner. He wore a crown shaped beanie and carried a laptop like it was his child. 'That has got to be FP's son,' you thought. Pop Tate tapped the bell on the counter and handed you a milkshake to go. You nodded in thanks to Pop and handed him a 5 dollar bill, still hearing whispers from the kids in the booth. 

"Who is that?" a raven-haired girl asked. 

"I don't know her name but she's a serpent, just look at that jacket," a blonde girl said.

A redhead just stared, and you stared back, grabbing your milkshake and making your way to the beanie boy.

You sat opposite the boy and held out your hand. "Jughead Jones? I'm Y/N Y/LN. I know your dad."

He shook your hand, "And how do you know me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I know you because I'm close with FP. I go to Riverdale High now, and only because I happen to live right across the tracks separating the north from the south. So, FP told me to become friends with you after I-"

"Skipped class? Yeah, that was quite the scene in first period."

"You were in my class?" Your face felt hot realizing that someone you knew now had heard what you had said. Of course, you always had confidence when your adrenaline would rush, but otherwise were very introverted and shy. Being face-to-face with circumstances like this was your worst enemy, you always had a fear you'd done something wrong. 

"You are a sassy girl," Jughead commented, his eyes moving to his computer screen and then back at you. 

You relaxed saying, "Indeed, I am. See you around, Jug."

Jughead watched as you stomped out of the diner, walking without a destination in mind. 


It was 8:03 PM and you were playing pool with Sweet Pea, one of the serpents, in the Whyte Wyrm on the South Side.

"God damn, Y/N. That's 3 games in a row you've beaten me," Sweet Pea grumbled, throwing the cue on the pool table. 

"What can I say? Tall Boy taught me everything I need to know," you smiled and cocked your head at the bearded serpent. 

The bar's door opened and in walked FP Jones. Nearly everyone inside the bar did something to acknowledge the man by either cheering or raising their fist. He made his way to you.

"Did you talk to Jughead? Are you friends now?" he asked, looking around the room.

"Yeah, but we're more like acquaintances than friends. I still don't understand why I have to go to that hell hole of a school. Nobody even wants me there, they all hate me. They hate us," you told him, "Freshman year at South Side High was so much better, you need to talk to Sher-"

"No. You know what happened over the summer? Your parents almost got arrested for sending you to a school in the wrong district, and we won't let that happen, will we?"

You didn't say anything, frustrated over FP's words. 

"Will we?" FP asked again.

"No, sir," you finally spoke, getting up to leave. You ran out of the Whyte Worm and wiped your tears before they fell. "A serpent never betrays his own," you reminded yourself and strolled through the streets, once again finding yourself infront of the neon- lit diner. 

serpent/ jughead x readerWhere stories live. Discover now