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"Here we go again," you sighed, pushing open the glass door signaling the bell. Of course, everyone in the diner looked up at you, including Jughead, who was still in his booth from earlier.

"Do you ever leave this place?" you asked, slipping into the seat opposite the boy. 

"It feels like I don't, but I do have school, and most of the time I show up," Jughead finally looked up from his screen. "Why are you here again?"

"Right," you began, "Your dad wants us to be friends."

"Friends? Really?" Jughead raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," you paused trying to avoid the subject, "What are you writing?"

"My novel. About Jason Blossom's death," Jughead told you.

"Why aren't you a serpent like your father?" you blurted.

"I don't even live with my dad. Things aren't great at home," Jughead mumbled.

"Where do you live then?"

It was almost by magic that you and FP's son arrived in front of the Twilight Drive-In. You noticed the cot inside the movie booth and how the inside looked like a little home for one.

"You live here?" you asked sincerely.

Jughead shrugged. "It's nice here; I like it."

"Can I stay here tonight?" 

"If you don't mind the floor sure-"

"It's fine. Thanks, Jug. In my book, you're now more than an acquaintance."

Jug put his hand over his heart, "I'm so honored."

You shoved him, "Shut up, beanie boy."


*alarm clock beeping*

"What the hell?" you almost yelled, sitting up.

"'Morning," Jughead greeted, "Time for school."

"Ugh don't remind me. I can't wait to hear what Mrs. Cooks has to say to me today. Sorry I'm so toxic, ma'am," you mocked. Jughead chuckled and he walked you to school.


"Meet you in first period?" you asked Jug, about to head to your locker.

"Yeah, see you then!" Jughead waved and walked away.

You grabbed what you needed from your locker and closed it firmly, revealing the same redhead from the diner right in your face.

"What are you doing hanging around with my friend? You're a bad influence; I know what serpents do."

"Ouch. Well, that's one way to make an introduction," you commented.

"Stay away from him, or I'll-"

"I'm surprised that Jughead is friends with a football player like you anyway. You're a goddamn prick. Leave us alone," you demanded, walking off with your footsteps echoing.


Jughead stuffed a burger into his mouth, you looked at him, appalled.

"Whafgh?" Jug asked with his mouth full.

"You're hilarious, Jughead Jones," you claimed, shaking your head while grabbing a pretzel.

"I like food," Jughead stated.


"I still don't like the idea of Jughead hanging out with a serpent," Archie emphasized.

"Who are the serpents anyway?" Veronica inquired.

"They're this gang from the South Side. They deal drugs, I've heard, hang out at this bar called the Whyte Wyrm, and other unmentionable things. Long story short, serpents aren't people you'd want to hang around with," Betty explained and Veronica nodded. 


I'm at the YMCA where my dad coaches swimming and I'll be here for another hour and a half. Kill me I'm so bored.

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